Gazza Nano Log - Salty Fun

HI All,

Well I have done it, going to collect a 2 inch Toadstool leatherhead on Thursday :hyper:

I have also put some money down on a nice Rainbow Zoa & a Blood red mushroom (I check the book & both look like a good choice for a starter like me :shifty: ), however I won't be putting them in for quite a few weeks.

Now that I am moving along nicely is there any other tests I should be doing I am doing the basic ones but any other suggestions would be appreciated.

Also food for Nem & Mow. I have got frozen brime shrimp which they love, I have also got Sera Granumarin. However the sera one touches the water & goes straight to the bottom, the crabs & worms love it but thats not the point. So can anyone suggest any better foods.

Also would this be better placed in the journals section?

Many thanks in advance.

PS the teasing will continue but hopefully Thursday evening/ friday there will be photos. :blink:

PS the teasing will continue but hopefully Thursday evening/ friday there will be photos. :blink:

I should think so as well :p

Brine shrimp are not that good really, don't have much nutrition - take a look in the freezer in your lfs - look for mysis, marine quartet etc.

seffie x

^^With the exception of Enriched brine shrimp. If enriched with Spirulina, the fish will get nutrition from the spirulina. Would not feed it all the time though, varied is the way to go.
Thanks Seffie & Tina. I will buy a few more bits. Variety is the spice of life.

Can't wait to get Toady on Thursday.
Hi all, well I have decided to keep teasing, found the camera so here is ther initial picture. Tomorrow I will get my Toadstool Leather head :drool:

Here it is:


Will put more on tomorrow/

Is it ok in about 4 weeks or so can get a couple/ three shrimps or should I wait longer.
Right, just went to take photo's & batteries ran out... :blush: So I have trid using my phone so I don't get compalined at...

Here is nem & mow



And now introducing the new addition - Toady (Toadstool leatherhead)

That's really nice aquascaping Garry, liking it alot :good: how cute are those clowns, you got to love emm and the little toadstool, how sweet :good:

Keep those photos coming :nod:

Seffie x


ps - keep testing and as long as your water is stable for a few weeks then shrimps can be on the menu :blush: whoops, you know what I mean! Remember though, they need longer acclimatising then fish and corals
Thanks Seffie. Before the shrimps I have put some money down on a nice Rainbow Zoa & a Blood red mushroom (I check the book & both look like a good choice for a starter like me ). Depending on the water will depend on when I get thyem.

I will wait till July for the shrimps (a birthday treat), not too sure which type I will get yet. Also whetrher I get two or three.

I am sooooo chuffed witrh toady. I thought he may sulk for a while, however he has been up & proud (insert own joke here). :beer:

As everone has said on the forum, I am taking my time. No rush just enjoying what I have got & enjoying making lists of what I could have e.g. getting a larger tank :shifty:

Thanks again for all your help.
Hi All, my first death in the family I am afraid. Within 5 days I have lost a crab & a snail. Another crab is looking sorry for himself, I have moved him near the front so I can watch him. He is popping out of his shell but not moving about. I have tested the water & everything seems fine. I did a water change on sunday & will do one tonight as well. I suppose it could be coinsidance. You never know how old they are when you buy them I presume. Is there another test I could do to check? The fish seem happy & health. Toady is doing well. I am may be worried for no reason. The only change I have done is adding a little marine snow, but only done this in VERY small quantities & only twice (read on the forum that this was good to give toady). Any comments appreciated. :unsure:

Bar that everything is going well. Have had to save Nem twice from jumping into the back. Is there away to stop this.

Many thanks in advance.
HI All, I thought I would give you around up fo whats been happening.

I brough a large turbo snail, & within 2 weeks both that & my other astrea snails have died. My nass ones & bumblebees are doing brilliant though. I also have 4 baby snails on the glass. Not happy about it. I wonder if they can catch disese etc. My SG was 1.024 but because it needs to be higher for corals over the month I have slowly increased this to 1.025, could this have anything to do with it. However my crabs are doing brilliant.

Nem & Mow are looking wonderful. Except mow keeps jumping into the back compartments at least twice a week. I am thinking of adding some kind of perspex to stop it. Has anyone alse done this type of mod? It is funning though watching the wife on a ladder trying to fish him out.

Toady is doing great & my Zoa seems to be happy.

However my Blood red mushroom is sulking a little. I am going to buy a copper, calcium & a new amonia test kit this week. I want to get a new amonia one just in case its a bad one & that is what has caused Reddy to sulk & snails to die.

What I may do is take some water into the LFS to test on sat before I buy. If everything seems OK, I may get a snail & introduce one at a time.

I will post new tank shots soon before you ask :hyper: If you have any comments on the above please let me know.

My clown fish still do this, I haven't modded the tank, but I have heard of people doing this. I just keep the water about a inch below the weir now and they don't jump so often. But it is a pain to get them out.

I wouldn't worry about the baby snails I have them too, they haven't been a problem :good:
Thanks Trod. I am more worried about my Astrea snails all dying off straight after introducing the big turbo who died as well. Abit strange though considering no other snails are affected.
HI All, I thought I would include some new pictures. Before you say anything I am not going to give up my current job to be a photographer

Here is bill

Here is my unhappy mushroom, name shroom. We believe it is the salt that was wrong so have done 3 water changes with pro reef & will be doing another on Sunday.

Here is nem

Tanks shots


Nem & MOw

Nice stuff growing on the rocks

Corner shot


Right this is bitter sweat. I am working on getting the tank sort because of shroom. BUT because there is a few bad family sickness at the moment within a space of 6 months. My wife decide to get me one of the fishes I am after as a surprise. So here is Helly

Thats it for now/

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