Gazza Nano Log - Salty Fun

HI All, well the rock is in the tank :hyper: I will start the testing tomorrow & keep a record to watch my cycle. Hopefully won't take too long. It took about an hour to move it from one tank to another :good: Next I will have to fine tune my CUC & fish list. After a few months, if everything is going well I may start looking at some type of mushroom etc.

Also has anyone got the instructions on the protien skimmer. The instructions I got were in Chinese & I ust can't seem to get it to work right :blink:

Here are the photo's.




Thanks Trod for the Pink spotted Shrimp Goby, showed Leanna & she said (note only 4), that the fish would look ver nice in her tank. :D
HI All, Just doone my first test, after putting in the live rock, which by the way is brilliant. Many colours, have purple & yellow living things on the rock (going to research what they are) & a greta abundance of life.

My test results are:
PH 8
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0.25
Nitrate 50

Will keep testing every other day.

Thanks for all your help so far.
Water params update:

PH 8
Nitrite 0
Ammonia <0.25
Nitrate between 25 & 50

Tank is going well. :hyper: Except the skimmer but I will carry on like a tropper.

Algae is growing well. I have a small pocket of bubble algae growing.

Right, I know not yet but CUC I was thinking:

1 Haloween hermit
2 red legs
2 blue leggs
5 Astraea snail
5 Nass snails

Any suggestions or alterations. About a month after I will look at Shrimps. I did like the sound of the Shrimp Goby & pistol shrimp. Would they be ok in the Orca. Then maybe 2 or 3 more fishes (obviuously a clown). I will resdearch more :good: Any other options are more than welcome.

I will test sat if Ammonia goes to zero & nitrate comes down I will pop to LFS to getthe CUC :hyper:

You will need more snails and some say it is not such a good idea to mix hermits - I went in to get four blue legs for mine and came out with one and the others (which lfs said were blue legs :( ) I haven't got a clue about - keep meaning to re-read Donya's thread about hermits to identify them.

So, you need about:

3/4 hermits
10 Nass
4 Astrea

that leaves room for when tank is established to pick up an interesting snail if you see one

Seffie x

Thanks Seffie. I will revise my list. params have got better, so I think my 50 % water change shall be done sunday or Wednesday next week. So will be off to the LFS next week. Have found someone near by with a shrimp & Gobie pair. Should a wait a while before I buy a pair or would it be OK to gee it with mu CUC? Also would I be able to have a couple more shrips with them & if so what type would be best.

Many thanks for your help in advance. :thanks:
Ask them to keep the shrimp and goby pair for you - most reputable lfs will do so if you pay for them :good: you tank is not ready for them yet :no: You have considered that a shrimp and goby pair often cause rock slides :crazy: due to burrowing haven't you :blink: if not have a read of BigC s nano journel - he bought a pair and ended up having to take everything out of the tank to get to them as they were causing too much damage (rock falls etc.) - so I suppose if you are going to stick/tie/glue etc you rocks together then go for it, if not, be ready for rock falls :angry:

Yes, test your water 24hrs after the 50% water change to ensure your nitrate is under 10 - if so, go ahead and buy your cuc :good:

Seffie x

Hi Seffie, I have been told off & should re-strain myself & hang my head in shame :( Point taken. I will speak to the LFS for two reasons 1. to keep them (not paid for them yet, so if I pay for them opefuly be OK), 2. tell the lfs off he said once cycle is done I can add them in straigh away, thought it was odd but relied on their experience. :crazy:

I have stuck together some of my rock, so hopefully won't have the probs big C got. I stuck a few together because I hav very young kids, they have been brilliant & just look at the glass ut you never know.

I am going to test tomorrow night, if all goes well, I will do the water change.

Thanks for your help.
Hi Seffie, I have been told off & should re-strain myself & hang my head in shame :( Point taken.


I will speak to the LFS for two reasons 1. to keep them (not paid for them yet, so if I pay for them opefuly be OK), 2. tell the lfs off he said once cycle is done I can add them in straigh away, thought it was odd but relied on their experience. :crazy:

Never believe what the lfs tell you!

I have stuck together some of my rock, so hopefully won't have the probs big C got. I stuck a few together because I hav very young kids, they have been brilliant & just look at the glass ut you never know.

My grand children are the same, first thing they do when they come round

I am going to test tomorrow night, if all goes well, I will do the water change.

:good: if all is well after 24hrs following the water change then you and the kids get yourselves down that lfs for your cuc, but don't let them persuade you to buy anything you haven't researched yourself

Thanks for your help.

You are very welcome

Seffie x

Thanks Seffie. But when I go to teh LFS I won't take teh kids so they won't be saying "its my tank I want that fish" :rolleyes:

Did not get to test last night. I will do it tonight & hopefully be able to do the 50% change.
Hi, Did water test, nitrate is 5 :hyper: So the 50% water change is underways. However a tip for anyone who is getting an Orca & is ready to do a 50% water change. Get a bigger bucket. I purchase 2 12.5ltr buckets, idea size for the weekly 10% water change, however not ideal for the 50% change :rolleyes:

Will hopefully be popping to the LFS this week end if the water test 24 hours afer the change is correct to get my CUC.
Well that was an interesting trip to get my CUC. Went to 3 fish shops, two did not have any :blink: and the one that did only had 4 hermits & 6 Astrea, no nass any where, s have had to order on line. The CUC I have got is now acclimatising them selves via the drip method. I did as ordered Seffie & not buy anything else yet :rolleyes:

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