Funny Fish Facts


Fish Addict
Aug 8, 2005
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Manchester, England
this thread is for weird fish facts feel free to add your own
1. a shrimps heart is in its head
2. a starfish can turn its stomach inside out
3. a shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes
please add your own this thread is just a bit of fun

p.s all my fish facts listed above are from chocolate bar wrappers lol :lol:
I googled it and found this.. "

perhaps not funny.. just plain weird... food for thought next time you put your slap on ladies.. ;)

How fishy is this? Most lipsticks are made with fish scales."

I googled it and found this.. "

perhaps not funny.. just plain weird... food for thought next time you put your slap on ladies.. ;)

How fishy is this? Most lipsticks are made with fish scales."

The members catfish species have over 27,000 taste buds, that makes catfish the animals having the most taste buds.
Starfish haven't got brains.
A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.

Koi are part of the culture in Japan, much like dogs and cats are in America. One big difference, however, is that most of these wet pets outlive their owners. In fact, fish are often passed down from generation to generation, as the valuable heirlooms they are.

In one village, the fish in a family's pond had been passed down through so many generations , that the original ancestors who'd kept these prized fish could not even be recalled. Knowing, though, that these were some old fish, it was decided that someone should find out just how old they were.

Working with a local university, a few of the fish gave up some scales for the sake of science. When the scientists tested the scales, even they were amazed at the results. The older fish alive in that pond had been around for an amazing 226 years! Two of his fellow pond dwellers were 180 and 156 years old, respectively.
only humans and gorillas and dolphins have so far been shown to know that it is themselves in a mirror.
My avian vet told me this when I was asking if my African Grey could recognise himself.

not that dolphins are fish

I do know that dolphins are not fish

don't tell me that dolphins are not fish,

I know....

Those of you with gorgeous Oscars - have you tried them with a mirror?

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