Funny Fish Facts

All Cuckoo Wrasse start life as females but around the age of ten turn into blue-backed males in order to attract the younger ladies.
proboscus monkeys definitely do.

Moving on, the goldfish memory thing is complete codswallop.

Clownfish all start out asexual and then become males and then females.

The ceolocanth is an ancestor to ichtheostega, the first vertibrate to walk on land of which all non fish vertibrates are descendants and is still around today deep off the coast of madagascar.

Squids have three hearts and blue blood.

The blue stripes on Zebra danios are acctually the result of a symbiotic relationship with a certain type of bacteria, golden zebra danios are not a true albino but simply fail to form this symbiotic relationship due to certain factors missing from there genetic code.
I can't remember what kind of fish it is but there is a fish that farts louder than a jet taking off.
My clarias cat fish on the first night i had him climbed out of its tank, walked through 3 of my down stairs rooms and was found in the morning by me very dry and coverd in cobwebs and dust!!!!! :crazy:

And was still alive !!!!!! And still is!!!!! B)
Dolphins sleep with one eye open and with half of its brain functioning while the other rests.

For fish? to eat?
My clarias cat fish on the first night i had him climbed out of its tank, walked through 3 of my down stairs rooms and was found in the morning by me very dry and coverd in cobwebs and dust!!!!! :crazy:

And was still alive !!!!!! And still is!!!!! B)
How do you know it went through 3 rooms?

When referring to mulitble fish you still say "fish" not "fish's" :lol:
I know whales aren't fish, but as we've had monkeys and dolphins already .... :fun:

Some whales "talk" at 180 decibels. Compare this with a human shouting at 70dB's, or a jet engine at 130dB's and you can see why their songs travel so far in the water !! I read somewhere that if a human was exposed to 150dB's, they would go into cardiac arrest !!
Squids have blue blood.

so do humans, when it is deoxygenated, if you cut a blue vain though, the blood would be red because it immediately starts oxygenating because of the air ;)

learned that when i was 9! :lol:
Sharks can sense a drop of blood from 2.5 miles away. They can detect one part of blood in 100 million parts of water.

Sharks are so powerful that their bite can generate a force of up to 6 tons per square inch.

Sharks, in their 400 million years on earth, have shown an extraordinary ability to resist cancer and other diseases. This has raised hopes among medical researchers that the oceans' most feared predator might turn out to be the cancer patient's best friend. Investigators continue to study the immune system of sharks to see if it can provide the answer to stopping the spread of cancer in humans.

Sharks can live up to 100 years.

The biggest shark is the whale shark which can be up to 50 feet (15 m) long. It has approximately 300 rows of teeth, with hundreds of tiny teeth in each row. It's a filter feeder and sieves enormous amounts of plankton to eat through its gills as it swims. It is also the biggest fish in the sea. The second biggest fish and shark is the basking shark which is about 40 feet (12.3 m) long and is another filter feeder.

Sharks can generate about six and a half tons per square inch of biting force.

Sharks have no bones - a shark's skeleton is made up of cartilage.

The biggest meat-eating shark is the Great White which grows to be up to 21 feet (6.4 m) long. The smallest sharks are the Dwarf Lanternfish (6-7 inches), Spined Pygmy Shark (7 inches) and Pygmy Ribbontail Catshark (6-7 inches).

The dogfish sharks are named for their tendency to attack their prey as a pack of wild dogs would.

The ostrich is often credited with laying the largest eggs, but the largest egg in the world was actually laid by a shark, the whale shark. The egg, 14 inches (36 cm) long, was found in the Gulf of Mexico in 1953.

Sharks can go up to at least 6 weeks without feeding. The record for a shark fasting was observed in an aquarium with the Swell Shark, which did not eat for 15 months.
My clarias cat fish on the first night i had him climbed out of its tank, walked through 3 of my down stairs rooms and was found in the morning by me very dry and coverd in cobwebs and dust!!!!! :crazy:

And was still alive !!!!!! And still is!!!!! B)
How do you know it went through 3 rooms?

When referring to mulitble fish you still say "fish" not "fish's" :lol:

I have wood block floor and tiled floor and you could see the marks left by my clarias catfish as it walked along the floor, from my middle room through my back room and into the kitchen. :S

Students who are fish owners
score the highest on both
math and verbal SATs,
with a combined score
200 points higher
than non-pet owners.
The blue whale has a heart the size of a small car and its blood vessal is so broad, that a person could swim through it.


Does that depend on what stroke you do, I presume the butterfly crawl would be to messy. :lol:
Sharks, in their 400 million years on earth, have shown an extraordinary ability to resist cancer and other diseases. This has raised hopes among medical researchers that the oceans' most feared predator might turn out to be the cancer patient's best friend. Investigators continue to study the immune system of sharks to see if it can provide the answer to stopping the spread of cancer in humans.

The biggest meat-eating shark is the Great White which grows to be up to 21 feet (6.4 m) long.

I remember reading that. The shark family (including rays) are immune to cancer. There has been Great White's spotted in South Africa over 25 feet long.

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