Funny Fish Facts

Oh and the catfish taking it's self for a walk - how cool!!!
lol "walkcat"!!!

That's brilliant. I love catfish, they are very special creatures, very weird yet very cute.
Tuna are the only fish that can regulate thier body tempreture.

Sharks transport thier urine in their blood.

Some speices of long lived grouper live for 60 years as males and then live the rest of thier lives a females (which can be another 60 years!)

Sportfish captins in Mexico apply Tequila to the gills of just caught fish to instantly demoblize them from floping on the deck and damging the meat.

The smalled fish in the world Paedocypris progenetica is .13 of an inch long (.33 cm) and lives in water with Ph of 3.

The Box jellyfish or Irukandji Chironex fleckeri is one of the most deadly animal to humans.

The giant squid has the largest eyes in the world.

An Octopus can fit threw any thing that allows thier beak and eyes to pass.

A Yellowfin Tuna has a cruising speed at 23mph or 33kph and when feeding has been clocked at 65mph or 91 kph.

Fish can pull 75% of their weight in bursts and 15-25% continuosly.

There is about 200 times more gold in the worlds oceans, than has been mined in our entire history.

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