From 48 To 180 In 3.0 Seconds Flat

Ok I'm stopping now I promise lol

Aerial shot:

Also, you all probably have a set of these, I dunno, but I've found them VERY useful!

I'm shopping for a DSLR as well so brace yourself for some rubbish, "learning a new camera" pictures in the next couple of weeks!
i got my first gouramis a few months ago and the male built what i later realised was a bubble nest, i freaked out at the time thinking someone had dropped some soap in the tank and i swished it all up and broke it...he never built another :lol:

beautiful looking betta btw
I absolutely love your betta! Great progress, looking good.

I think a pair of dwarf gouramis would be a good addition as top dwellers.
Gourami's are usually advised against with Betta's.

Great pics, he's obviously ready to make a few young for you.
Yeah no gouramis for me, thanks for the suggestion though!
Where did you get your BNs from minnnt?
Local breeders. The albino's were from someone on aquarist classifieds and the L182 starlights were from a friend who breeds them.

I am pretty sure there will be someone on AC selling some BN's near to you. :rolleyes:

Can get you some L182's if you fancy a drive down to Nottinghamshire. :p
Right well I just typed out a decent sized update and lost it so...I've pretty much lost the will to live - oh and I want to go all "Hulk, smash!" on my laptop (sorry, watched Avengers last night - AMAZING! And so many beautiful men.... *sigh*)

OK! Moving on!

I did my first water change with my home-made syphon tonight and it was pretty successful! I did have to start the suction by filling the hose with my tap, which for some reason I thought I could avoid
- doesn't bother me though. And I did manage to create a torpedo with my syphon end by trying to fill the tank with it still attached - woops! I've got one with the little valve on that's supposed to help you start suction (yeah right). There was a slight mess, but no casualties

Also I'm planning on doing 60L water changes per week and, as it happened, I lost suction at exactly 60L lol. I'll just have to be careful when watching the flow if I want to remove more than that. My hose is a bit longer than it needs to be so shortening it may help? Since this was the first time using it I syphoned into a 10L bucket in my sink and used tip-ex (aka white-out to us yankees) to mark on the back of the tank for every 10L removed. This will also help guide me for bigger water changes because it's now easy to measure how much tank = 10L. I know...I'm smarter than I look, eh?

I've just bought one of these bad-boys off ebay which I think should be considered necessary kit with these python systems. I paid £10.40 for it including shipping, which before I even bought it I felt like I was being robbed but after I purchased it ebay kindly informed me of "other items I may be interested in" where loads of the exact same item appeared for less than half the price.
They were no where to be seen when I was searching for the stupid thing!


I'm also thinking about getting one of these: HAGEN BATTERY GRAVEL VAC CLEANER - because I need more toys in my life. Oh, AND because there isn't particularly strong suction with my python system so my (smaller than I really need) gravel cleaner wasn't very effective. Plus it cleans glass and can be used as a powered syphon - WIN!

After cleaning the tank I spotted these things on a bit of wood, any idea what it is? There's a bit more than you can see in the picture.



Otherwise, all is well in my little aquatic world, the plants are going nuts. I noticed after doing the water change and adding some TPN that one of my wisteria plants was releasing a constant stream of tiny bubbles and it still is! What's that all aboot?

Oh and I tried rubbing some of the diatoms off the plants but it was closely resembling hard work so I gave up - it does look a little better though
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Pearling. :good: Low tech tanks can still see pearling right after a water change.

Cool hose contraption, could really use that, I get hoses falling out of my tank all the time :crazy:

Does the stuff on the wood look like eggs? Otherwise it might just be the normal fungus/algae that most people get on new wood. It will go away, a BN would eat it.

:sick: :sick: :sick: Oh my. Thats an opportunity for some creative thinking.
lol, apologies for my bad behaviour - and I've only had one (large) glass of wine!

Na, I think it's probably fungus. Looks like I need to get that BN sooner rather than later!

Yeah, the cool thing about that one (vs others available) is it stops the hose from crimping on the edge of the tank. I could have got it for £4 inc. shipping, UGH! I'm telling myself that the one I bought is much nicer plastic haha.
The person selling it is probably trying to feed their hungry kids, and you just did them a service. OR something similar. :nod:

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