I've got another update for you all today - lots of material to cover so pay attention!
Starting with Purigen! As recommended by by you dudes I ordered myself some and on Wednesday I added it to my tank. It's weird stuff! It's got a texture and feel that you can't really describe, very cool though! I've got a couple of macro shots of it to post below if you're a newbie to it like me

It's been in for a few days I can definitely say it has reduced my tannins which I'm quite pleased about! I can't really see a change in the diatoms but I haven't had a chance for a proper clean out to even give it a chance..more on that later...
I didn't expect it to be this mucky after only 2 weeks use! Maybe it's just the carbon that's stained it.
Added to the top tray under the fine floss stuff. It's actually been rearranged now so all of the media in there is more flat which means it's a bit to the side, I hope it'll still be effective there.
So back to adding in the Purigen - after I did so I closed up my loverly new TetraTec EX1200 and lo and behold it's leaking from the handles on BOTH sides! Brilliant. SO after some messing about with the head I get the leak down to just one side, at the back where the pipes are. *cue loads of drama* long story short I got on the phone to Tetra in Germany and within 5 minutes they had agreed to send me out a new head. It hasn't arrived yet BUT I think the leak has dried out on it's own, also, the head is probably not the problem but the hose adapter is. So watch this space.
Moving swiftly on!
Those silly new green corys have spawned all over the joint!! As you saw before Big Mama was looking clinically obese, well no Weight Watchers needed because she and the other male (not Gramps, he needs the little blue pill ya see...) went at it all day yesterday, there are eggs everywhere! Plenty got eaten but now the fish seem to be leaving them alone and there are roughly 100 fertilised eggs still in the tank. Crap. Now I am really torn. I am not interested in specially trying to save these guys but at the same time I'm not going to rob them of the minute chance they have! She has kindly laid them all at the top of the water line all over the tank. This means I cannot do my very much needed water changes. I've had .25 ammonia for two days now (due to increased bioload I'm sure) - I REALLY need to do a water change...I dunno I'm still stewing. I mean they guys are never going to live right? At the same time...is .25 bearable? No it's not when you've got weak fish but I still cannot make the decision!
Someone give me my much needed slap.
Uncle Zod "babysitting"
Here's the eggs today, you can see all the little yolks developing..I think
Here's a video of the bedroom antics...what?
I also finally got some OK pics of Gramps so you guys can see how pitiful he is. I got a good look at his belly last night and he's completely sunken in under/behind his gills. I just hope that it is only malnutrition causing this. Maybe he really is just old..my real fear is there is something much nastier (and contagious!) going on
Last topic for discussion is my espei rasbora. Two of them have turned the most stunning shade of deep red you have ever seen. It is BEAUTIFUL! I'm going to try and get some pictures later on but I'm not going to hold my breath because they are a nightmare to get a picture of. I think it's my two males that scrap all the time, maybe they have just agreed to disagree and both be the dominant male lol.
I also want to get an "after" shot of Big Mama so you all can see her svelte new figure!