From 48 To 180 In 3.0 Seconds Flat


Im going to get the 250ml and split it for my 75g and 46g. 100ml should be perfect for one tank.
I've been doing some thinking about how I'm going to stock this thing today and so far I've come up with:

1 Betta
8 Sterbai Cory
12 Espei Rasbora
12 Cardinal Tetra

I would like to make the top of the tank a bit more exciting but I think adding another school (e.g. endlers or hatchet fish) would just be weird? The betta uses the whole tank so it'll have something at the top some of the time...

I'm also toying with the idea of a Green Phantom Pleco and/or some shrimp. I would need lots of hiding places for shrimp as I don't trust my betta with them and I'm also worried about not having enough space on the floor of the tank. I just really like both of these species and they would both look amazing on the black substrate. They aren't something I couldn't live without but those plecos are gorgeous!

Do you folks have any ideas or suggestions? How am I doing on general stocking levels? Filter is a Tetratec EX1200.
mmmm yeah, I just may need this guy in my life:


However I am a little crazy about a clean tank and the poop thing puts me off a bit...
You could have bought the loose Purigen. I made a bag from some tights (mine not the missus's...) and it works brilliantly. The best thing to have done would have been to add a group of 3 or 4 Oto's to your tank. Bristlenoses would also devour the whole tank and have it clean over night. It is actually quite amazing to watch them clean it off. Very much like a hoover. The Purigen will give you stunning water clarity too.

Looking good as always. The Betta is by far one of the best on this forum, he really behaves for you when taking pics! :)

Keep up the good work. :)
Thanks minnnt - yeah he's very sociable, he's got to be wherever I am so it's easy to take pics of him because he won't get out of the way! Becomes a problem when trying to get pics of the other guys lol.

That's interesting about the BNs because I was tempted by those as well. Would you recommend them over the phantom? I haven't really researched the phantoms yet, they are a new fancy of mine

Oh and I didn't think your fishnets would be much use for a media bag - I'm always learning!
:lol: touche!!! :D

The L200's are stunners, a firm favourite of mine. The Hi-Fin would be better suited to your tank rather than the normal one though as they get a little large. Check out Mattlee's journal in the New World Journals section. He has a couple and a 128, Blue Phantom.

BN's are great fish, alot cheaper too which is a major draw for me as im as tight as a ducks sphincter. :unsure:

Albino's, Oranges or Super Reds would look 'Definately'Awesome
I wouldn't worry about poop on the black sand either.... I got rid of mine before I got attached because on the playsand it was DISGUSTING to look at.

I just about put up a photo but thats, weird, and it would put you off plecos. I LOVE Bristlenose's and will get one again when I change to black sand. I'm a neat freak in my tanks too.
BN's are great fish, alot cheaper too which is a major draw for me as im as tight as a ducks sphincter. :unsure:


Yeah it's the orange/red that I like! Is there also a gold one? The lower price appeals to me as well. What about how shy they are? I know some p2222222222qjk'hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-p[[[[[....


plhgecos ki9ie0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000088

pl0ecos are really shy, are some better than others?


Posting this now before it's too late! She has decided that the only place she can possibly sleep is on my laptop!
Bristlenoses are some of the better ones, lol.

The golden one will probably be the Albino ones?

Spike by David Raynham, on Flickr

L144's are nice, the Blue Eyed Yellow BN.

I have just purchased 6 L182 Starlight Ancistrus. :D
Ah ha! It was your BN I have been admiring! Beautiful! Thanks for the help :) I think I have been swayed :p
Yay! So pleased to see this in the tank this morning :) He's still busily working on it. I'm really happy because it's evidence (to me) that he is happy in the new tank and also that the flow isn't too much for him. If we was stressed by the current surely he wouldn't be building bubble nests, right!? Also happy that he's got a semi-quiet corner of the tank he can use for his nests.




Also just an update on my cory that's had fin rot. He's still healing although I was hoping it would be gone by now. He's never shown any signs of illness behaviour-wise so I'm just gonna be patient and make sure the water is clean! His tail is to the side a bit but you can see there's lots of new growth going on and most of the white is gone...


Here's another one of Zodders that I got the other day which I thought I'd share! (Pretend you can't see the melting crypt, it's gone now - there were a few I was hopeful wouldn't melt but hey....)


He's loving all of the nooks and crannies in the wood I just hope he doesn't rip any fins!

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