the only reason i mentioned is that i have Coppers and parents have Espei,so i see them a lot.
they def benefit from larger numbers, and don't add too much to bioload.Mine spend all their time together charging about the top 1/3
very orange above triangle=copper
very red above and below=espei
Yep, lucky dip indeed! If they're something like then i will order another lot and really plant it up. Going to add a few to my 55 tank.
Noticed a bit of algae starting to creep in on the glass now so want to get some more plants going to use a few more nutrients up to try and curb it a little.
You're dosing co2 on this ain't you? Just be careful it isn't a fluctuating co2 related algae rather than anything else, cuz I found things like bba etc were worse while dosing because the doses were never at the same time (even with a daily reminder ) whereas without dosing, ok co2 was low, but at least it was stable. You know?
No, no co2 caz, way to tight to be adding it to the 180. I'm using it on my 55 though.
I'm relying on good old fish poo for the nutrients. And rabbit poo!
The algae is little green spots all over the glass. A bit of scrubbing will get it off though, just a ball ache with all the wood and plants in the way!