New Member
One of my external would be enough, but I decided to add another because I had it in the cupboard. The flow doesn't seem too strong for the time being so I'm quite happy to keep them both running. It helps to keep the algae at bay. How long are your lights on for? Try and limit to 8 hours or less. Also try not to disturb your substrate too much as this can cause algae too. It's not the answer, but try and add a few baby bristlenose pleco's, they devour a fair amount, a lot more than adults do. This will help out with the cleaning, but its not a cure. You need to find out the cause. Does it get a lot of direct sunlight?
at the moment the lights are only on for 7 hrs but it does catch the sun late on for a couple of hrs. the nitrate is high it always used to be zero now its 20 so have been doing loads of water changes to keep it down but not sure why its that high