Fishless Cycling Trouble! Any Advice Appreciated1

I just don't understand this

Did you check the parameters of the tank the mature media came from?

Just wondering if the two tank parameters were too wide apart and the bacteria died

Is the filter definitely working properly
Why did you kick up the temp to 30? I'd drop it down a few degrees. Keep it warm, but 30 seems too high.
aaronc said:
I just don't understand this

Did you check the parameters of the tank the mature media came from?

Just wondering if the two tank parameters were too wide apart and the bacteria died

Is the filter definitely working properly
Parameters the same as in PH temp is around 24 so that's lower. The water is being pumped through the filter so I can't see any obvious issue there.
This Old Spouse said:
Why did you kick up the temp to 30? I'd drop it down a few degrees. Keep it warm, but 30 seems too high.
I read somewhere to increase the temp to 30 (it was at 29) but I've already put that back down to 28C
It must be something I'm doing wrong but I can't see what, as it's a pretty simple process, it's just a waiting game. 
The only new thing I've added is the new piece of false wood decoration which was for a tank. I did give it a good rinse before putting it in but I took that out a few hours ago just incase that's messing things up.
Really stumped and P***ed off with it at the mo!

I feel another BIG water change and re-dosing of ammonia coming on, what do you guys think?
That's probably what I'd do if everything is stalled like this. 
If you do, before you dose the ammonia, take some readings. I'm just curious.
This Old Spouse said:
That's probably what I'd do if everything is stalled like this. 
If you do, before you dose the ammonia, take some readings. I'm just curious.
Ok, I'll do a change in a bit and post the readings before dosing and then an hour after dosing.
Only reason I'm asking is because the gravel came with the tank (which was bought second-hand). I cleaned it all  before starting it back up though. I'm just grasping at straws maybe!
Worth a shot. It could be a cause for concern, perhaps it was cleaned with bleach or similar.

Replace it for peace of mind.
aaronc said:
Worth a shot. It could be a cause for concern, perhaps it was cleaned with bleach or similar.

Replace it for peace of mind.
Too late I left it in there! 

Ok water change done at 17.30
Water tested at 17.35 as follows
Ammonia - 0.25ppm
Nitrite - 0ppm
Nitrate - 5.0ppm
PH - 7.2ppm
I'm guessing the ammonia still present due to possible residue in gravel? No ammonia present in tap water.
**Just tested tap water and this is also showing the same level of ammonia which has never shown before (to my memory!)**
About to add some ammonia I need 0.84ml to bring to 2ppm so I'll dose with 0.5ml as there's some still showing.
0.5ml ammonia added @17.50
Ammonia - 1.0ppm (slightly above but not 2.0ppm)
Nitrite - 0ppm
Nitrate - 5.ppm
PH - 7.6ppm
Seems all about right to me?
Not sure why PH lower when initially tested but 7.6ppm is what my mature tank reads.
I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens (again).
Will now test in 24hrs time I guess.

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