Fish Game # 30

Sorry not Goo-Obo Gudgeon Dolphin

....I like your guesses Dolphin, I'm discovering all kinds of new fish...I'll have to keep my eye out for some of the Goo-Obo's.....cute little beggers.
....We have a winner...Well done -=DG=- :thumbs: it was indeed Peacock Gudgeon :D

Tateurndina ocellicauda
The Peacock Gudgeon

Also known as "The Peacock Goby", and "The Rainbow Gudgeon" Latin Name - Tateurndina ocellicauda

Origin - New Guinea

Size - Up to 2.5 inches [6.25cm] Usually smaller.

Water Parameters - Not Critical

Temperature - 72 to 82F (22 to 28C)

Spawning - Cave Spawner, males will guard the 30 or more eggs which will hatch in 5 to 6 days. See Spawning The Peacock Gudgeon

Fry Care - Fry need to separated from the adults, they can be started on baby brine shrimp and/or microworms.

Bascic Care - An extremely colorful species. The pictures don't begin to show the true coloration. Males and females are colorful, males have a distinguishing hump on their head and most females have a black line accross the bottom of their lower fin. Not too picky about food, and not overly aggressive, although they do a lot of fin flaring and mock fighting. This is a very beautiful and attention getting fish. They stay mainly around the bottom of the tank.

Take it away -=DG=-

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