Just a little scared of me but are getting used to my face against the glass
Dont you worry, it wont be long until its you who are scared of the clowns after thery have bitten you the first time
The whisker coral looks beautiful in the flow

Hoping this grows and expands into more and more polyps? Is that what they are called?
Duncan's coral, Duncanopsammia axifuga
Am thinking about adding an anemone to the tank for the clowns, what are everyones opinions on this?
an anemone needs a lot of thought, planning and a mature tank of at the least 7 months - so, yes its do-able in the future
Also, would it be ok to add a royal gramma to the tank in about a week?
yep, just keep an eye on your stats and be careful of adding too much food for those clowns