Well i went ahead and attached the goni, got my new corals in today too

Got a few free zoa rocks, and the rock he sent me had alot more than 15 polyps on it

So his a top guy and great to deal with. Anyone from sydney give me a pm and ill give you his website.
He also accidently sent me his pet crab

Looks like a teddy bear crab to me. Kinda like a gorilla crab, just without the black pincers. Scared the absolute crap out of me when it crawled across my hand hahaha. I will probably send him this crab back as its his pet that he enjoys caring for, and it just gonna live in my sump otherwise
On with the pics! Lots this time, warning!
Baby Xenia Frag that fell off the main colony so it got glued to a rock lol:
My baby goni frag! This bud dropped of the mother colony so ive decided to glue ti to a rock. It must be liking the tank, the mother colony that is! This was just after gluing it to the rock so its closed up:
The baby goni once i found it on the floor there
Goni family
Green Zoa Colony with flash:
Orange Zoa Colony (This one was a freebie with the green colony i bought):
Orange Zoa Colony half opened up:
These two rocks are pink and green zoa colonies (These are also freebies

My Pulsing Blue Xenia Colony, cant wait for this to have settled in nicely and coloured even brighter! Looks fantastic already. May move it to a lower flow area though:
A morph coral (i think, anyone want to confirm this?) that was a freebie (there is also 2 or 3 of these on the green zoa colony rock):
Green Zoa Colony:
Green Zoa Colony again:
Green Zoa Colony Under Moon Lights (Looks awsome!):
My goni frag under moonlights:
A not so good tank shot that is current as of the 9th of August 2010:
And finally, the new crab hitchicker that is living in my sump with the red crab
I am really happy and excited that my goni has dropped a bud as this means it must be happy in the tank! It is quite big when it is completely opened which makes it looks fantastic!
The zoas are smaller then i was expecting them to be by my guesses through photos of them lol. But they look great at night, and should look very good once they all open up across the entire rock and my little live rock with my frags on it will look great once all the corals settle in and open up properly
The xenia still stands to be my favourite coral to date

Cant wait for this bad boy to settle in!
More corals coming in wednesday. Was not able to pick up the rock and the other corals from the guy that lives near me as he was busy today and tomorrow. May wait till the weekend to pick it up so i can prepare everything for a holding tub.
Got a question though. Ever since the new corals came in my skimmer has begun to overflow within seconds. It appears to be getting more air inside the body compared to the other times i watched the bubble in the body going

Only difference is that i introduced the new corals and used the epoxy to hold the corals down... Could the epoxy have caused this? Or maybe zoa toxin or something? No idea how to fix this from happening so i had to turn the skimmer of as its 12.30 am at the moment and i need to get up early, spent a few hours tyring to fix it, and no idea why its happening

ANy ideas?
Here is the shot of the crab with a bit of brightness/colour adjustment and circled in green. It was throwing sand on itself or something as it had sand on it when i took the picture lol.