Ok back for an update. Incase anyone is actually interested in this tank still

Apart from me ofcourse
I purchased 10kg of premium live rock from a member of a forum i visit, and added it to the tank. With this i received quite a few nice smalland medium sized pieces, with a ton of coraline algae on them. A few corals (an sps of some sort, and a bunch of zoas, thats all i can see so far

), a snail of some sort (see pic to help ID? ), 3 crabs of some sort (See pic for ID?) which all live in the sump with my other 2 crabs lol. I also found a nice sized black brittle star which is in the tank somewhere, it had 2 damaged arms that were about half hte size of the others but i couldnt find the other pieces of the arms anywhere so i thnk it must have been at the previous rock owners tank. But it is alive and looking great, atleast it was when it was in the box it came in

Have not seen it since going in this morning. Going to take a torch to the tank tonight to see if ican find it
My macro appears to be growing quite well, so i chuckeda few small bits of live rock on it to hold it down so i can see if it grows easier. I also put in 2 small bits of live rock into the refugium as a pod tower. Tank is coming along quite nicely except this #41#### algae on the glass, so anoying! I am howeverpurchasing 10 turbo snails, which should be here wednesday hopefully.
I switched over the refugium light to a energy saver bulb that i bought form hardware store for like 20 bux. Is 6500 kelvin i beleive, and is the equivalent of a 60 watt light. Appears to help quite a bit.
My paramaters are great so far. 0 ammonia, nitrite AND nitrate

Ph is 8.2-8.4. Calcium is about 440ish, and will go down to about 380 by the time wate change day comes (usualy every 2 weeks, sometimes earlier sometimes longer due to uni schedule).
Purchased myself a mandarin dragonet

A nice female, with a lare amount of orange as that is what i wanted for a female mandarin. She accepts frozen food, however i have not really seen her much as she likes to hide and peck at the live rock and is hard to see properly since she is hidden away in the live rock. But is nice and fat

It does not seem to like the diner, though it may not know where it is.
I am feeding the tank twice a day. Once when lights come on then before lights go out. Usualy with mysis shrimp. However will go buy a few other things from the LFS tomorrow and see what they have for variety. I also feed flake now and then but my anthais doesnt go for that so its mostly mysis shrimp. Oh and also, some good news for everyone who was worried about the cleaner wrasse. It still pecks at the fish like crazy, tears apart seaweed and chows it down, and also accepts mysis shrimp and flake

Great little fish! Am quite happy with it.
The anthias was attacked by the #41#### coral beauty (im pretty sure anyway) and had a bit of an injury for a day or two, but that cleared up with a few small water changes for clean water. The coral beauty has calmed down and doesnt chase the anthais away anymore. The lyretail anthias is fattening up even more as ar as i can tell anyway, darts at the mysis the second it hits the tank and tears it apart

Again a fantastic fish!.
Any tips on getting a mandarin to recognize the 'diner' as a place for food?
Nothing much more to add i dont think... Will keep updating as it progressing slowly

Would my sized tank fit a yellow tang? I am quite fond of a yellow tang

But have not done much reserach, and wouldnt buy one for a while anyway. Or a powder blue tang (dori anynoe?

)? Otherwise, any recommendations on some more fish additions for the future?
Also, my caulerpa is kind of stringy where i expect leaves to be. It is not going sexual as i looked this up and does not look like this. I will get a picture tomorrow and post it maybe that will be better. Any ideas of what this can be till then? Or is this just how caulerpa grows?

I think (from memory) it is caulerpa branchypus (spelling?)
Here are the pictures so its not a wall of text
Black brittle star (i think anyway):
One of the 3 hitch hiking crabs: (ID please?)
Another of the 3 hitch hiking crabs: (ID Please?)
The crew - Shot was taken for the anthias. I quite like this shot too! It has its top fin flaring
The beautiful madarin dragonet

Picture does NOT do her justice. Plus you cant see how fat she is

Bet that one makes her happy?
And finally a full tank shot to show the change in rock work. I was shooting to keep open swimming space, with a few holes in the live rock for them to swim through for fun .But leave hiding places on the left, which also blocks the view of the weir nicely from my couch

Please note this was just after lights came on, so the corals are not fully extended yet. Looks fantastic when they are all extended fully!
So any comments on the new rock work, additions, etc. Id really appreciate them, as i use them to help me fix up things i may have missed in the tank