Finally got my 370 Gallon home!

What a nummy tank!

I would get about 20 pictus cats, some large loaches, an oscar or two, a fire mouth, a green terror, a few common plecos, a couple chaca chaca cats, a couple irridescent sharks, a few bala sharks...
I think I've already reached a limit. Oh well, just day dreaming :p

I wouldn't get any pacus. They get way too large, even for that tank. Too bad pirhanas (sp?) are illegal there. They would be great in it.

Have fun with that tank!! :D
Please Please PLEASE tell me you ARENT going to be getting "normal" small community fish in such a large tank. It would be a HUGE waste!!!!!!

Please re-think getting cichlids or cats or other large fish.

As someone already said...a tank is only "wasted" if the owner doesn't get their own personal favourite fish in it.
clutterydrawer said:
As someone already said...a tank is only "wasted" if the owner doesn't get their own personal favourite fish in it.
Too True, I once had some Tiger Barbs in my 10gallon that I didn't like. I only got them because my father said they looked nice ad he liked them. I didn't want to disapoint him so I got them, a few weeks later I returned them because they were causing chaos in my tank :crazy: From then on I only bought the fish that fitted my tank and the fish that I liked.
Where is Dark Angel? ...she hasn't been replying in like 4 days :blink: I know it isn't such a long time but still... Mabye she's still setting up her tank :crazy:
piranha's lots of them! :hyper:

EDIT: And if your mates annoy you hang them over the tank and threaten to drop them in :D
I personally think a tank that size is too big for tropical community. The fish would get lost! Get either a species tank for a type of large fish, a large cichlid tank, or an oddball tank.
Guppylover said:
Too True, I once had some Tiger Barbs in my 10gallon that I didn't like. I only got them because my father said they looked nice ad he liked them. I didn't want to disapoint him so I got them, a few weeks later I returned them because they were causing chaos in my tank :crazy: From then on I only bought the fish that fitted my tank and the fish that I liked.
Where is Dark Angel? ...she hasn't been replying in like 4 days :blink: I know it isn't such a long time but still... Mabye she's still setting up her tank :crazy:
I know what you mean lol, my dad is always on at me to get neon tetras...but I won't give in! :D

maybe dark angel has fallen into the tank?! :crazy:
"Dude make a MASSIVE school of red tail shark! like 100"
Arent red tailed sharks territorial towards each other and will fight? -_-
That would be funny... in a scary way.
Mabye she is still setting up the tank or something... it's has to be hard work I mean it took me ages just to setup a 6 gallon :rolleyes:
Clown loaches, Angel fish :), Red eye tetras and a big common plec :) lol

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