Finally got my 370 Gallon home!

How did I miss this thread when it first started?

If it were my tank (and I wish it were!) I would have a freshwater stingray as the centerpiece. Never have had one as I don't have a big enough tank, but they are such a cool fish and really unique. Add other fish that would be compatible with the stingray.

Just remember that you are asking for people's opinions here, and one man's trash is another man's treasure. What one member likes, another member uses for feederfish. If you like a certain fish, and it appears you like the idea of a large school of neons (also VERY cool, in my opinion) then GO for it and enjoy your tank!

P.S. post some pics so we can enjoy it too! :p
Oh my god!!!

from the measurement given that's 2727.60 Litres :hyper: !!! which weighs 2727.60 Kilo's just for the water :hyper: !

I'm afraid I'd be like you, part of me would love to see large shoals of fish in a community tank :nod: and part would like to go for something bigger and/or more aggressive like Puffers, ciclids or sharks etc :nod:.

As a newbie I think I'd bottle it :/ and go for a community tank with shoals of Neon Tetra, Cardinal Tetra, Head & Tailight Tetra, some Danio's of various sorts, some Loach's for snail control and loads of Cory's and Otto's for algae control and shed load of shrimps.

Whatever you do keep us up-to date.

Any photo's :snap: yet?

This post has been running for nearly a month, dont mean to be blunt........

Where are the pictures? I am skeptical myself, I love to drool over these signatures, but when people ask for pics..........

We can atleast figure out the true size of this mystical tank!
presonally id go with an arowana or some sting rays.
those arew the fish i am going to get when i get a 482727257295825 gallon tank.

we want pics!!!!
Mbuna! mbuna! mbuna!

Your tank IS 720 USg according to your dimension!!!

Actually, what is your native water parameter out of your tap? This should dictate what you should setup as I can't imagine adding chemicals everytime you do 20% water change out of a 720g tank! :lol:
if you put small fish like neons i will track you down and kill you...

VIP what you said about walking by and not noticing. i would be like "OMG this tank is huge." then i would be like "wait theres neons and corys in this..." then walk over and punch the tank owner in the face ;)

anyway.. plz plz plz dont go tropical...

get some oscars or midas or somthing(s) big!!!!
so hows this big tank comming? any more info, she just disapeared, mabye the tank fell on her :unsure:
Hmm... I didn't read through all 10 pages I'll admit but I liked her second choice with the 2 giant gouramies :p

Anyway, I want to see a pic ;)

I'd also like to include a suggestion :p

I was thinking what I would do with a real nice big tank (once I've got my osphronemus goramy that is :D) and I thought I'd give a good home to those species that are always kept in much too small a tank:
bala sharks, common plecs and clown loaches... then I'd also put in some kissing gouramies and maybe some flying foxes. Common species that get over-looked or don't get enough space.

Or a huge school of zebra danios - considering how many tanks those fish have cycled, they deserve it. :)
okay ive changed since what i last said;

red devil/midas!!!!convicts!JDs!Jewels(yes i know theyre african)!Oscars!Severums!!!

good mix, damn good mix :nod:


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