Finally got my 370 Gallon home!

Well if it's that big she could have 51 clown loaches and maybe a catfish or something.

I agree we need pictures.... No wait we need huge no no we need a website of pictures of this one tank

Another thing too consider possibly is with alot of small fish the tank is going to be much dirtier and harder to clean compared to a few larger fish. And I could not every possibly imagine useing a 370 galllon tank for such common fish there are so many amazeing fish taht most people here would never be able to keep I wouldn't waste a chance like that
get yourself a couple ID sharks, their wicked fun to watch, especially during feeding time :) and i hope your setting that bad boy up on a concrete floor lol 370 Gal is going to = a lot of weight full of water and stuff :blink:

or get 1 male betta and let him have teh tank to himself and make him feel like a god :rofl: jk
i too am interested to know where it's going, especially cos she has several other tanks aswell...maybe she's built a special all-concrete house for added fish capacity :D
if I had a tank that big id do either cold water with goldfish, how fun, but I do love them, or if you like the community tank

why not some of those
big danios, like 20 or so, but diffrent kinds
some nice dwarf cichlids,
big coriie breeds, like 40 of them
red velvate sword tails
and maybe some loaches, like 3 clowns,
I'm so very sorry that I haven't been here in a while to answer all these questions :X

mwm: Yep, the tank came with 2 filters and a heater.

Rdelusion: I'm not too sure :unsure: I think it's U.S.

Lenna: I live in Western Australia.

Helium_Junkie: The glass is around 1cm thick. I was planning to use just normal gravel. I don't think one heater will be enough so I'm going to buy one more filter and two more filter the next time I got to the lfs. 541 Gallons?! ...whoa, I'm not too sure when I measured I got 370 Gallon so I'm not too sure.

I getting really confused on most people saying what amount of gallons my tank is :blink: Does anyone know the real amount of gallons? Or is it just 370 Gallon like I said. Yes I do have concrete flooring, I made sure of it when I first got the room.
I'm still deciding on the fish I will be getting and thank you for all your ideas, my tank still has a bit to go still it even starts cycling so I have plently of time to decide :)

Sorry for my blunt answers to the questions :*)
*~*DaRk_AnGeL*~* said:
Sorry for my blunt answers to the questions :*)
No need for apologies :)

Well, several people have worked out from the measurements you gave (282 * 104 * 93) that the tank is much more than 370 gallons. How did you calculate the capacity?

I would advocate large fish in that tank, not common community fish. Something you can't keep in a smaller tank.

How in heck do you do anything with that tank? It must be a pain to clean, or even to decorate! You have to climb inside to do anything!

i would get......... 10 huuuuuge oscars in that tank :D :drool:

ok so i figured out with those measure ments that ur tank is 743 gallons!!!!!! i might be off but not by much!! :unsure:

I'm not jealous *glares at computer screen*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


EDIT:I had some 1s on the end of my !!!!!!!!!!etc.
How about some large shaoling fish?

also you MUST include some large interesting plecos!!!! :D :thumbs:

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