Finally got my 370 Gallon home!

i knew this bad ass tank sounded like an australian
bloody good show , i say , :D

i had a 7oo litre tank with about 200 up community fish
and it looked great, i used to sit for hours and stare
anyhoo , i reckon a community fish tank that size would kick ass :p

need any help i recommend the yellow shop on albany highway bentley
thats my lfs, great bunch of guys

i was thinkin of gettin my self a 1000 litre for xmas
but it doesnt sound so big and cool now :-(

and i volunteer my (working ) sony 3 megapixel camera
i d go a long way to see that bad boy
good luck
You could always add a little .. erm .. alot of salt and make yourself a brackish tank. You could get yourself lots of archer fish.

Or make a SA biotope. you could have lots of nice catfish in there and some really huge schools of tetras and corries.
Try remeasuring the tank again with a longer measuring tape, maybe your measurements were off because you used such a small ruler?

This thread was building faster than I could read, took me forever to catchup, everytime I went to the next page, there was another page added, Lol.

Also, try going to fish shops and just looking, bring along a note pad and pen and jot down what you like, then come home and research it and keep the notes on everything, then sit down and decide what you'd like. Also do alot of research on the internet, look at pictures, read the info on the types of fish. You'll come up with something AWESOME if you take your time. Also remember, if you go with LOTS of small fish, that will add up to ALOT of money, think about it, if you got 50 cardinal tetras just to start with, what's the average cost of those fish, $2 each? More? (I'm not sure, I've never bought them). If you go with $2 each, that would be $100 just for them! BUT if you do go that route, check into a wholesaler you could possibly buy them from, get a bulk price, it will save you loads of money.

Ok, the tank is big so what about:

An inflatable lilo
A pitcher of Pina Colada
A waterproof walkman

Crank the temp up to about 36 degrees and party :D :D :D :D :D
Oh the tanks measurments are (this is an approximate because I was using a 30cm ruler) Hight: 93cm Length: 282cm Width: 104cm. Hope that gives you an idea of how it looks

i havent read all the pages,
but most suggestions seem to be tetras etc,
maybe add a fish that will some up the tank,
a plec maybe, quite a big one that will stand out,
have a look :thumbs:
*~*DaRk_AnGeL*~* said:
Thanks for the replies :D
I didn't get to finish setting up the tank -_- I didn't know that it would take so long to scrub of all the dirt on the glass (this tank has been used before). I managed to get of most of the dirt by I'll try again tomorrow.

I got a heater and 3 filters, I didn't want an underground filter because I knew plants couldn't grow so well with them.

All your ideas on the different fishes to have were very good :) I do want a tropical community tank though. I will be getting some cories and oto's!

I always loved the idea of having a large school of neon or cardinal tetra. What about (rough draft) :

#30 Neon/Cardinal Tetra (I don't know which one is better :unsure: )
#20 Corydoras (Again...I have no idea)
#10 Dwarf Otocinclus
#2 Bristlenose Catfish
#6 Swordtail

...I don't know anymore fish too add :unsure:
I would add Rummy Nose yo your list and then thread fin rainbows as well as perhaps Dwarf Neon Rainbows and why not Discus?
it just seems like so much of a waste of space putting small fish in a tank like that. I wouldnt even notice it if i walked past.
I think big shoals of small fish wuld only look good in there if it was heavily planted, which, as pointed out, would cost a fortune. if it was done well it could be like looking at a real piece of lake/river/whatever

but i think big fish are the way to go...
clutterydrawer said:
I think big shoals of small fish wuld only look good in there if it was heavily planted, which, as pointed out, would cost a fortune. if it was done well it could be like looking at a real piece of lake/river/whatever

but i think big fish are the way to go...
Yeah... unless Dark Angel is planning to spend much more on the tank :unsure:

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