Finally got my 370 Gallon home!

If it were me with that size of tank I would pick a pacu for sure. Or big cichlids. I love both so I would probably end up flipping a coin cuz I couldnt decide. Also a tank like that has got to have at least one enormous catfish. Even a couple common plecs would go well in something that big.
I dont believe nobody said Clown loaches, Imagine a shoal of about twenty or thirthy AMAZING. Someone mentioned a 500g and a 800g OMG they're like swimming pools, Where could one put such beasts? The water changes?
Might I sujest the a huge shoal of Tiger Barbs
and a hole bunch of Black line neon Tetras its up to you after that. but thats what I would do.

Daveo :flex: :drool:
gesssh that is a huge tank

Here are three ideas
1. Oddball- Dont know if these would all go together but, BGK, a fleet of eels, Stingray, Clown Knife, Gars, you could have like a 36' fire eel, or arowanna

2. Fresh water Barrcuda tank

3. You could split the tank, and make half like a cichlid tank, and that other half your'e choice
Dear holy crap.....

a 370, 240 and the rest. Water changes must be fun!!!! :lol:

I think you should go for the community Imagine if you can get loads of schooling fish. It would look amazing. Some tetras, clown loaches, silver sharks ( very peaceful and need lots of friends) some gourami (dwarf and coral blue look awesome) then a few more and hey.......


P.S. Do you need to have the floor made og concrete to take all that weight?!!!!!!!
After careful consideration i thinkit should be a 370g tank filled with 700 neon tetras :D

Go on

You know you want to

Not even a little bit inquisitive as to how it would look?

Ok, don't then :sad: I'll do it myself someday :)
Where do you live in Australia? What about an aussie native showcase. That's what I'd do if I had a tank that size. Maybe an arrowana or saratoga, some tandanus cats, sooty grunter and freshwater perch. You could have a school of large rainbows such as easterns to add some colour. :D
I would go with community if I didn't go with marines (probs, if I didn't go with a Mbu Puffer, or a Fahaka or somat! LOL). Mind you, I'm just wondering where you're going to get like 50 neons from, in England, you probably wouldn't get somewhere that that would give you all those. And anyway, if you're out of cash, how are you going to buy the fish and stuff. Sorry, I'm being bad! ;)

In the tank I would go for:

BIG clown loaches
Like 10 Khuli Loaches
Brazilian/South American Puffers (have heard they can be put in a tank with others, would do some research though!)
Gouramis (can't keep em myself but...)
A ray
Other stuff

I would go with the puffers...

You know you want to...

(sorry, I'm copying Aquascaper now!!! :*) ) :fish:
Out of curiosity, how thick is the glass in that tank?
What substrate were you thinking to use?
Will one heater be enough?
Also... I put those measurements into a calculator or two.. and kept getting 541 UK gallons... I'm sure US gallons isnt far from that... Are ya sure its 370?
My sister thinks that CLOWN LOACHES would be way cool too.. For anyone who doesn't go into Newbie, they are her FAVES. And it is her idea to emphasize the clown loaches so much, it ISN'T my idea.
:wub: :fish:

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