Filled Up My 400ltr Tank Yesterday...

great looking tank :)

Just one point about cycling the tank....
Now your up to temp just move teh fish and existing filter from your 90L to teh new tank.

The existing filter has enought bacteria to cope with the load you currently have and it will soon spread into the new filter - so you can add more fish at the same time :)

I've had 26 tanks running at one time - the only tank I ever cycled was our very first 50L tank approx 5 years ago :)
great looking tank :)

Just one point about cycling the tank....
Now your up to temp just move teh fish and existing filter from your 90L to teh new tank.

The existing filter has enought bacteria to cope with the load you currently have and it will soon spread into the new filter - so you can add more fish at the same time :)

I've had 26 tanks running at one time - the only tank I ever cycled was our very first 50L tank approx 5 years ago :)


26 tanks !!! well i guess you know what your talking about then :p

What do I do about the 5c difference between my two tanks . ie 90L @ 25c and 400l @ 30c ?

Thanks for the help :)

26 tanks !!! well i guess you know what your talking about then :p

What do I do about the 5c difference between my two tanks . ie 90L @ 25c and 400l @ 30c ?

Thanks for the help :)

30 is a bit high for a general community tank so I'd turn it down a couple of degrees.
Even if they are not at the same temp - It wont take long to float the fish in a few bags to get them up to the same temp (just like new fish).

Then just leave the main tank to stabalise at 27ish degs :)

26 tanks !!! well i guess you know what your talking about then :p

What do I do about the 5c difference between my two tanks . ie 90L @ 25c and 400l @ 30c ?

Thanks for the help :)

30 is a bit high for a general community tank so I'd turn it down a couple of degrees.
Even if they are not at the same temp - It wont take long to float the fish in a few bags to get them up to the same temp (just like new fish).

Then just leave the main tank to stabalise at 27ish degs :)

Ok cheers, i need to leave it a bit longer anyhow as i need to mount the plugs on the wall so to create a 'U' in the wires and plus the 2nd heater lead wont reach to other end either.

Also wouldnt mind a proper condensation cover as the lights get real wet now!

On another note, just packed up worked for two weeks, so got plenty of time to play :D Merry Christams All :good:
Well, ive got some great news, water test yesterday showed all levels where pretty much where we wanted them to be :D :D
Does anyone think it matters what fish I put in there first? ie, should Gouramis go in last to avoid territorial tendencies against other
bottom feeders like the pictus cats Im going for soon.
Does anyone think it matters what fish I put in there first? ie, should Gouramis go in last to avoid territorial tendencies against other
bottom feeders like the pictus cats Im going for soon.

in a tank that size you wont have any problems :)
Ok cheers again smithrc, might pop down the lfs (if its open!) and get some red plattys to start with :good:

Im hoping it should look like a very active and colourfull tank with the red plattys, golden & opaline gouramis, b.rainbows and the silver & white from the
pictus cats :wub: :wub:

Also fixed up the plug sockets on the wall, so the 2nd heater will reach up the other end now :D
7 sunset platys IN :D Reds were still in Q. at my lfs.

Never had platys before, really nice fun fish it seems :)
Platys are fun fish, they are always on the go and get quite nosey, mine are always first to the top of the tank when I go over to it. They breed like crazy though.
Platys are fun fish, they are always on the go and get quite nosey, mine are always first to the top of the tank when I go over to it. They breed like crazy though.

Yeah I had heard that of them! will any of my other fish eat the Fry though?
The distortion on the big end of the tank is insane! i had to share, personally like it. Fish seem to swim into it get enlarged , and then disapear :blush: :hyper:
and the bubbles :wub:



Couldnt of done it without everyones help on here and a friend on a car forum,
so thanks all, one merry fishkeeper here :D :)

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