Filled Up My 400ltr Tank Yesterday...

I actually bid on one of these tanks just a couple of weeks ago and the guy sold it out with ebay which annoyed me. When I asked him if he was going to be auctioning any more off he said no this was the last one.
Looking forward to seeing what you do with it.
I actually bid on one of these tanks just a couple of weeks ago and the guy sold it out with ebay which annoyed me. When I asked him if he was going to be auctioning any more off he said no this was the last one.
Looking forward to seeing what you do with it.

Yep that bugs me big time too, as I sell quite a few items on ebay and have never done that to anyone!

Does look like I was right to hit that button as I was umming and arring about it for a while :)

Anyone to comment on my question about the heater please?
Thats not bare wire really is it? Can you see the copper conductors?

I wouldnt worry too much about it personally, just make sure that whatever its plugged into is RCD protected (which it should be regardless!)

With regards to the heater, i'd put one in for now - better than none :)
Thats not bare wire really is it? Can you see the copper conductors?

I wouldnt worry too much about it personally, just make sure that whatever its plugged into is RCD protected (which it should be regardless!)

With regards to the heater, i'd put one in for now - better than none :)

Yes you are right, there is no bare wire actually showing. Yes we have a consumer unit in our flat and am running on RCD also :)

Thanks have fired up one heater. Its been over a week so I should add some more supplement really and maybe some more mulm.
Ok 48hours on, with one heater and im upto 29C .The heater is set to 30C so its nearly there :D
Hoping the other heater wil turn up tommorrow!
I LOVE that's going to be a LOT of fun!!!

Thanks Sharon, cannot wait to get some lively fish action going on in there, and not to mention rocks, plants , bogwood and some caves of some sort.
defiantely fun!

So far going in there fish wise is what I have in my 90l thats been established for 4 months now :)

5 golden gouramis> all females, getting along well after a brief argy bargy session. Never seen gourami's dance! but these are like ballerinas,lol.

6 boesmani rainbows> 3 males who go absolutely stunning once the lights are off, but do colour up when you dim the lights and the females are a nice green/silver too.

2 german rams>ones looking a bit skinny, so im trying to hand feed him bloodworm at the moment, other doing well though(may move them too
20l also running and keep them in there instead)

1 flying fox> really enjoying this fish , very active and has been schooling with rainbows on occasion.

To buy to go into the new tank:

5/6 pictus cats,.. me LOVE catfish!

.. and maybe some red platy or some opaline gouramis too, if they play nice with the goldens!?
What i would do with a tank like that :drool:

Me three! I had though about it for Malawi Cichlid, but opted for community as thats what I built up my stock in the 90L for eventually transferring inhabitants to
a larger enviroment aka this.

I still might go Cichlid, or something completely diferent , who knows how long all my fish will live for, hopefully maximum longevity :D
6-7 years down the line I'll ready for something new in there, however by them Im sure I will leaning towards saltwater :blush: ;)

Bit of an update: the lost heater arrived monday :D so im well upto 30c now and I'll be off to the LFS before they close for chrimbo to get a free water
test and possibey by a test kit if all my levels are out.

Under the christmas tree this year for me are, rocks and slate stack, all wrapped up!


To add to that I have some black shale rock and im thinking about either sunstone/red vein rock to contrast, along with the bogwood from
my other tank and lots more plants :D
I'd invest in a good liquid test kit anyway, much easier than trekking off to the LFS for water tests!

Looking forward to seeing the tank with some fish in it :) I'd (well, my oscar) would love a big tank like that!
im well upto 30c now

you might want to bring down the temp a bit?
No, you bring the temperature up during cycling, as it helps the bacteria.
As long as there is an air stone in the to increase oxygen levels in the tank.
And in the first pic there in an air stone, so there is no problem, or need to bring the temperature down.


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