Filled Up My 400ltr Tank Yesterday...

Yes definately. I have just dropped the level another 10mm or so, hopefully will do the trick.
Messeged the guy on Ebay. To ask him about guarantee and warranty. He only offers a 7 day guarantee! So I will not be buying from him! But still M8 does look like a fab tank :)
Paypal will protect you for longer, you can claim up to 45 days after payment I believe
Messeged the guy on Ebay. To ask him about guarantee and warranty. He only offers a 7 day guarantee! So I will not be buying from him! But still M8 does look like a fab tank :)
Paypal will protect you for longer, you can claim up to 45 days after payment I believe

To be honest I would expect atleast 1 years warranty. Oh well off to the LFS at the weekend I think lol!
I looked at this tank on Ebay a while back! Looks great. I want to buy one when I have had an extension doen, to partially divide a room. Keep us updated on how you are doing with it!
Do you know what sort of lights you have in the hood? Perhaps if you could take a photo of them and the endcaps that would be good.
I have T8 lighting in my hood, but it is completely watertight and it is fully expected that the lights will be wet, when switched off they actually have water dripping from them, and the manufacturer says this is what they are designed for.
Do you know what sort of lights you have in the hood? Perhaps if you could take a photo of them and the endcaps that would be good.
I have T8 lighting in my hood, but it is completely watertight and it is fully expected that the lights will be wet, when switched off they actually have water dripping from them, and the manufacturer says this is what they are designed for.

Yes T8 is writtne on the tubes :)


Those T8 endcaps are water proof but i would still try not to get them wet if possible
is that glass or acrylic? How thick is it? Id be scared of that if it were glass and it were under 5/8th an inch because one sharp strike could cause that to shatter on you.
Yup, the T8 endcaps are waterproof, however is that bare wiring just between the black sleeving and the metal bracket in this picture:


If so I would be worried about the whole lighting assembly, that should be watertight throughout. No point in having watertight endcaps if the condensation can creap in along unsealed wiring anyway...
Hhmm yes a little section of bare wire there. The wire is going into the black box via a grommet, but I suppose it still creap
past the insualtion right there.
Think its going to be worth installing a perspex cover for the top of the tank inbetween the water and the lights ?!
so I can gain max. capacity with plenty of surface aggitation
Either that, or remove the lighting unit for now, let it all dry out, and then coat any entry or exit points of wires like that with aquarium sealent.
Of course you could do both, but I think I would tend to make the lighting unit as watertight as possible first, and then look at if you want to do a tank cover too.
Messeged the guy on Ebay. To ask him about guarantee and warranty. He only offers a 7 day guarantee! So I will not be buying from him! But still M8 does look like a fab tank :)
Paypal will protect you for longer, you can claim up to 45 days after payment I believe

To be honest I would expect atleast 1 years warranty. Oh well off to the LFS at the weekend I think lol!

This eBay guy sells the same tanks:

I brought my tank from him.

Personally, I wouldn't buy from an LFS or chain store as you will end up spending at least twice the money, and still get far less. I paid £180 for a 200ltr tank with stand and lighting.
Messeged the guy on Ebay. To ask him about guarantee and warranty. He only offers a 7 day guarantee! So I will not be buying from him! But still M8 does look like a fab tank :)
Paypal will protect you for longer, you can claim up to 45 days after payment I believe

To be honest I would expect atleast 1 years warranty. Oh well off to the LFS at the weekend I think lol!

This eBay guy sells the same tanks: [URL=""][/URL]

I brought my tank from him.

Personally, I wouldn't buy from an LFS or chain store as you will end up spending at least twice the money, and still get far less. I paid £180 for a 200ltr tank with stand and lighting.

Again He does not offer any kind of good length warranty as far as I can see on his listings anyhow. I will ask him. I will still be going to my LFS I would rather spend more and have warranty to be honest and I will definetly haggle the price down a bit whatever I do end up getting.
Either that, or remove the lighting unit for now, let it all dry out, and then coat any entry or exit points of wires like that with aquarium sealent.
Of course you could do both, but I think I would tend to make the lighting unit as watertight as possible first, and then look at if you want to do a tank cover too.

Good suggestion thanks I will look into a more water tight arragement for the lights and dry them out over the weekend,
for now I've just popped a piece of perspex on I had lying around.
Alright Guys,

I got my heater, and when i say heater i mean they only sent me one after i ordered and payed for two!!! :(

Is it worth installing and running just one for now (till they send me the other in a few days i hope) , to get the temp up to optimal for bacteria breeding
or will one heater struggle hard to maintain that heat and cause premature wear on the heater?!


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