Few Of My Fish, Some Strange Some Not!

Few Asiatica adults and also he has fry from the pair that formed so should'nt be long for them ;)
also there is
Gachua Krabi (th02)
Orientalis Kottawa

gachua sp turqoise fry
hi, sad day today!
This morning my channa punctata was at the surface with one of the red tailed botia in its mouth, it was dead and it was stuck!
It kept coming to the surface and it couldnt get air as the botia must have been blocking its throat, it kept going up more and more frequently. Then it just sank to the bottom not breathing or moving. I took it out and put it in a tub of tank water, felt the botia and it was well stuck! They have spikes behind the gills which must have been dug right into the punctatas throat. Needless to say it never started breathing again and so i lost 2 lovely fish in 1 day!
Not a happy chappy!


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bloody hell what a rap way to lose a fish!!! sorry to hear bout that pal
ye im ever so slightly p**sed off to say the least!
I couldnt do anything though, i took it out and put it in shallow water as it was having a hard time bending its head up to take gulps of air, then blood started pouring from its gills, must of been the spines on the botia digging in, it was sideways in so one spine would of been digging into its head and the other through its throat area! My heart sank when i saw the blood as before that i was confident it would come loose and everything would be ok but for all the blood it must of been well dug in? When it was dead i tried to pull the botia out but there was no chance! So no chance it would never of just come out its self! Very very annoyed!
Here is another pic of when i first saw it, and just one of the platinum left on its own!



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its not the same without the punctata in now! it was normally just sat somewhere staring at me!
still annoyed at it! i liked it more than the platinum it was getting very nice colors!
it had a lot of character, i may try and get another variant of punctata, maybe email andy at bas to see if he has the flouro greens in still, mabe get one or a few of those!

well things are going down hill this week!, another ornate baby is dead, last time it was the smallest one, was battered and so was an exlplainable death but this one was the biggest one! when i fished it out it did have a good few marks on it but nothing serious! dont know whats going on, water stats are near on perfect, not seen any over aggressive behaviour and even if there was this one was the boss in the tank! i just dot get it!
so there is 4 left and 2 of them are looking a bit worse for wear, hope i don't just end up with 2 babies or il have no chance of getting a pair out of them!
erm what else......
oh went to the lfs this morning and got 2 albino senegal bichirs, only little about 4 inch, just looked cute so i got em, fet a bit sorry for the 1 left though as there was only 3!
will get some pics up later!!
no it was more or less in the middle of the tank upside down! heres a pic, you can see marks on it, almost looks like heater burn, apart from theres no heater in the tank! two of the others look similar to the condition of the first one just before it popped its cloggs!
dont know what to do as i dont wanna be left with just two as they will almost certainly fight and i'll be left with one!!

oh here is a pic of the 2 albino polypterus senegalus i just picked up!


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about 3 inch maybe a little more. everything was going so well aswel! could understand the 1st one, it was tiny compared to the rest, maybe only around 1.5 inch.
don't know what to do now!
im sorry about your loss mate :(

must be frustrating when everything is fine and then this happens...

all the best mate
well today their tank is at 27 Celsius, no heater, iv had the lid off and a fan on the surface which has lowered it a couple of degree's, cant be that though as they must have larger fluctuations than that in the wild, the water gets well over 30 degrees in india!, erm every one of them feeds very well, lance fish, prawns, cichlid mix stuff and the usual bloodworm and brine shrimp, but even the first dead one, was feeding loads even when it was half dead!
but if fighting was the cause then surely that big one would of been the last one left?
i doubt they would pair off at this age, there is 4 left one is not too far from the size of the one that just died and the other 3 are a good cm or so smaller.

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