Few Of My Fish, Some Strange Some Not!

well initially was looking at an
8x2 1/2x2 but looks like its more likely to be a 6x3x2 and 4 tanks underneith for the channa. But they would have to be 30 inch tanks to fit 4 underneith! My real love is channa so i dont no if im doing the right thing! But at the same time the big tank would be good for the barca iv always wanted!
I think theres a lot of thinking to be done!
oooo il be watching, i might advertise the sp. Platinum to see what intrest there may be.
What do you reckan mate rays and arowana or channa?

rays and arrowna!!

as much as I love my Channa you cannot beat a ray and arrowana tank!!!
the big dilemma!
You must admit though it would be a stuning tank if a could get hold of a pair of barca!
Like i said i need to do some thinking! The rays i want seem to be getting harder and harder to come by!
Iv got a couple of months to think about it yet!
getting a lil pic happy these days! The sp. platinum in its new home along with the punctata and the assams snuggled in a corner!


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everythings going fine so far so far with the platinum and punctata! the punctata, being a good inch or so bigger and supprisingly more chunkier than the platinum does show it who's boss now and again and chases a bit when it gets too close, but even when it reach's it ,it just seems to ram it and nudge it, not seen it bite it or anything like that and this morning still in perfect shape so no nipping must go on at niht! altogether im so happy they will live together and i don't have to re-home either! just waiting for the small one to recover and get a bit bigger and might see if it will also live with the bigger two! will see how it goes!

oh and nelly, with my assams i always thought and read that the main differences between male and female is the male has a wider head, taller dorsal fin and more blue to the fins, im sure the 2 big ones in my tank are male and female but recently the one i think is female has started getting more blue to the fins, just about as much as the other, but has more red to the body as is said females do ut also its head does look almost as wide as the others! now when i look at the ones you had they both have brightly coloured and tall dorsal fins! confusing!
but i think if they was two big males they wouldn't lay together like they do.
i was going to lower the water slowly over the next week, leave it for a week or so and then graduaslly fill it back up to stimulate breeding but they are in the 3 foot juwel aquarium and the filter stops working when it gets so low down!
any ideas???

That is correct as far as iam aware,more intence blue with a wider head, they are difficult to sex, iam loving the new pic's and the sp plat :drool: yep deffo look's to me like a sp plat now,
yeah i guess i will just have to be patient with the assams although the dropping the water problem, well i don't know what to do as i don't want them to be without a filter for any amount of time!
yeah it is looking better by the day the platinum, it has now got a slight slit in the tail, nothing rough just a clean slit. can't say for definite it was the punctata but the likely culprit. it is still early days with them two so will just have to keep an eye on them. but like it has been said plenty of times a split fin and even worser injuries are not uncommon at the best of times so i shall not start worrying just yet!
what would you suggest as far as dropping the water in the assams tank and filtration????
opps sorry mate forgot that bit, yes i have the same problem, you can only come down so far, i just emptied mine right down til filter stopped then added a little bit back til filter took of again, which in mine is just under the intake at the top of the jewul filter, still have the other side gap's down the side, hope that makes sence, its taken it down just shy of two inches from the tank's max water level<see inside tank>should have one there
yeah i think thats the only way to do it, did you see the difference in their behavior when you did it? and what sort of timescales did you use? like did you take it all out at once or over a course of days/weeks? and how long did you leave it down for? aand did you fill it up all at once or slowly????
lots of question!
no when they first spawned i had the level dropped for a while then one day added the water level up abit, did'nt even realise as was not trying for them to spawn, this time however i took a 10 litre bucket and a half, then added fresh water, then two weeks after i have dropped it about 1inch, then last week again the rest to just under two inche's,,,its been about a week, they do seem now to be more buddy buddy again, but its the juvi's that has stopped me trying anything more,
hello mate spoke with mate he said "Hi Neil

Pretty sure asiatica are both males - 1 definately - as was half of my breeding pair - the other looks male?

Do both for £25 but think posting will end up being £18 because of weight? I'll have a play around with bags of water and box to see what weight i can get it down to? "

up to you buddy
hmmm tempting, i would et them but i don't know where i would be able to et any females from, and its a group i really want!
what other channa are available that you know of neil??


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