Few Of My Fish, Some Strange Some Not!

just a few new pics
1st one of one of the channa sp assam male
2nd of my new Lda033 snowball pleco
3rd of 1 out of my 4 new ctenopoma ansorgei

got the ctenopoma with the intentions of breeding them, its a good sign that they are showing off their colours as they only do it when happy or showing off to females! unsure wether i have all males as all have nice colouring so going to get 4 more tomorow so i have 8 and i must have a female out of that! well hopefully!!
what do you think of them?????


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just a few pics of my main semi-aggressive/aggressive communitytank, newly layed out a few weeks ago, quite happy with it now, just a few more plants to go i think.
not brilliant pics but gives you an idea!!



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Never actually heard of ctenopoma ansorgei but like the look so I'll have to do my research. Snowball Plec looks great too.

Like the new layout of that tank.
Never actually heard of ctenopoma ansorgei but like the look so I'll have to do my research. Snowball Plec looks great too.

Like the new layout of that tank.

they are very good looking fish, couldn't really et a good picture as they only spread their fins when they are showing off! an absolutely stunning colour!
they are actually known as microctenopoma ansorgei as they are only little maxing at around 3 inch, they squabble a bit between themselves but i think its just the males establishing their territories! i would recommend them to anyone, with the right set up! like a soft acidic black water still set up but mine are only in a two foot tank and thats enough for them, just set up a tank and get some lol!
i have 8 now. the ones left in the shop, about 12 of them, don't look very happy so i want to buy them all because they are very happy in my tank but don't think i could fit any more in!
oh the plec! i ordered it at the lfs as L082, come in, he ordered 3, it was £15, then yesterday i went in, he had got his bill from the wholesaler, they sent Lda033 instead as the L082 was out of stock, and they was meant to be priced up at around £30! so i got a good deal!! hehe

just get yourself another tank and i'll provide you with a nice channa! haha


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