Few Of My Fish, Some Strange Some Not!

yes that bit about temps is true, maybe it just was a little weak and either they picked on it or health issues,sometimes fish die for no apparent reason, well all i can say is good luck with the rest mate, good luck with this intended heatwave next week, exspecting temps up to 32c
i will deal with the temperature with more fans! they work quite well aimed at the water surface, yer im just gonna have to wait and see with the ornates, keep an eye on them! how do you keep your tanks cool neil? or do ya just let it run its course?

my assams,
if they was both male at 6 inch do you think they would be fighting?
they are together now and i just witnessed one following the other to the surface, and tend to always follow each other around, what ya reckon?
i was pretty sure they was male and female but they are both brightly colored and both seem to have quite wide heads!, neither of them chase the other 3 smaller ones much really, just now and again, i would of thought if they was pairing off they would try and eliminate the others!
maybe as they are a couple of inch's smaller they don't see them as any sort of threat?! but they would kill them if they layed eggs wouldn't they?

sh*t, that bloody tailless platinum thing just jumped into the ornate tank and ate my siamese fighter!
as you see things go brilliantly round here! ha
as of yet my ornate tank's only 23c, this flat for some reasons always cold, go outside n the heat hits you, hehe just lucky i guess, but i just leave them to get on with it, as to the assams they sound to be male n female, following each other around, can you get any photo's of them?iam not that good with channa sexes yet, hehe some can just look and tell you sraight of, however i will have yo rely on my channa mate :lol:
erm well i dont think i can get a pic,iv only recently stocked up on plants!
i do have a pic on my phone i think of the same two together, will that do, its a few months old though?
suppose if you knew what you was looking for you could still tell the sex right?
i'll get on the phone now and upload the pic!
this is the only one of them i can find but if they give me the chance i will get some more!

at the moment the bottom one, which i think is female is nearly as colorful as the top one.
but the top one is still definitely more intensely colored and has a bright white outline o the anal and dorsal fin!


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that ones head has got a little bigger since then, and like i said its gotten a lot more colorful, but i do think that if they were 2 big males that they would scrap, and they dont.
yes thay i would imagine, is there any scrapping in the group, mine kicked out the third on pretty much staight after i got them, and it was relentless, so either you very lucky or they are infact pairing of, do you notice them together alot or is it just the odd time,?
i dont watch them an awful lot im afraid, i will be doing though, they arent together constantly, just now and again. when they are together though they are close together and following one and other around?!?!?!
well from discriptions it's sounding very promising, my ornatipinnis have 6 babies left now and they are trying to eat them which is annoying, however on the upside they are back to swimming around together again and head to tailing and tussling, which is what they did prior to breeding last time, after a couple of months with the babies, they showed no intrest in each other just swam round tank and were like ships passing in the night, now however the sleeping together and much more action
well if i loose any more babies i might get some more off ya, i know its not my water i test it every week and suck out all uneaten food, 20% water change weekly, even though they like none! temperature about right for them 99% of the time! i don't know, just my luck i suppose, once i have my big tank set up and the smaller channa tanks all on one big system it will be more controllable and downstairs instead of upstairs and on view! it should all be better then but for know the only tanks downstairs are the big community and the assams!
waiting for andy from bas to get back to me abou( of course!), my platinum, ghopefully sp. flouro green, wouldn't mind bleheri again but going to look at sp. blue moonbeam galaxy. think id be very happy with that collection. when the big tanks set up i will be in touch about barca neil! see if we can get me one of those! well ideally 2 but thats wishful thinking i think!
we will see, if not then its arowana and rays on the way!
i will be filling the assam tank back up in a few days so i suppose i should wait and see if any bedroom sports commence!
hopefully so!


oh yeah do ya like the albino senegals? don't like normal senegals, bit dull, but quite like these, think its because their small and cute!
Sorry for your losses - sounds like a very frustrating time.

On the upside those albino senegals are gorgeous and if they had more I'd be begging you to get me some!
they had one more! and i dont know if i'll be keeping the 2 i have yet, im into the more colorful ones. they just jumped out at me and was cute!
yeah i think everyone goes through these times! cant wait to get the big tank up and running!
then i'll probably have the problem of selling all my tanks and fish!
LOL, if you decide to sell the bichir let me know! Once my Oscars are in the 6ft then the 4ft can be a bichir playground.

Have you found a big tank yet?
yeah iv found it. 6 font x 3 foot x 2 foot and have the 350 quid to buy it but aint got all the equipment yet, i need 2 more fx5's, heaters and some t5 control units, should be a couple of months maybe. Need to build the stand also! Busy boy!
Il let every1 know when im selling all my fish and tanks, think il be keeping the bichir and pink tailed characin though!

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