Few Of My Fish, Some Strange Some Not!

erm another ornate baby dead this morning and another on the way to the pearly gates, the ones that die normally start holding their fins close to their body and staying around the body. they go dark and then have marks on them like the one i took the pic of and then just die! do you think they are just fighting? cant think of owt else as the ammonia is 0, the nitrite is 0 and the nitrate is around 0.30, but i know they can live in polluted waters so i doubt the water would be doing this anyway!
its really puzzling me and now im left with 2 that will probably kill each other!
i sharnt be buying babies again lol i cant be doing with this killing and dying business!
here is just a pic of the next one i believe wont make it!
As you can see it is dark with like a patch, like a bite mark.
This is how the others looked before they died.
Let me know what you think.


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2 left now! and the biggest one left is going the same way, i expect to only have one by tomorrow!
neil do you think it could be the water? or more specifically, the temperature of the water?
all this has only started since the weather picked up, it went all the way up to 20 degrees and i got it down to 26, and now i've got a fan on the job, maybe a little late though!
I'm no help but wanted to say sorry for your losses :( so hard to lose fish with no real explanation.
thanks indigoj,
yer its really crap, if it is the temperature, it may be that as they're young they can't cope with fluctuations aswel as the adults.
like my bleheri that i lost though there is still the chance that the temperature in the tank was a cause for the columnaris to set in, but the sp. platinum in the main tank, at around 27 degrees is doing better that the one upstairs at about 22 degrees.
if i loose all the babies i'll be really pi**ed off, i love the little guys! especially as i've had them from like an inch!
i do like them and may look into getting a group or more mature ones, and when i get the tanks set up along with the big tank i shall put some money and effort into a cooling system as it does seem quite important to the health of the sub-tropical channa. all i can do is learn more as i go along and hope eventually i can have things perfect for them!
do you think having the 4 channa tanks on 1 system is a good idea or a bad idea? the only problem i can foresee is if 1 sp got a disease then they would all get it, but i should be hoping they dont get a disease as the water and tanks should be spot on for them!
yes dave were all learning mate, shame....I don't think i would like to run multi tank's on one system for that reason along, getting a major problem would anialate all the channa's....thats why fish shops with individual filters seem in my oppinion better than those than run all the tanks of the same system
yeah thats what i thought
its just if i have 4 tanks underneith the big one im gonna have to find space for 2 fx5' for the big tank ant 1 external each for the 4 underneith. thats 6 externals as opposed to getting away with 3! guess im best doing things right as its gonna work out expensive anyway! im gonna be building the stand in the next couple of weeks so will get some pics up from day one to the end!!
just gotta confirm the size to the lfs before its made so i can get exact measurements for the stand!
the water is getting cooler now in the ornate tank so i shall see how it goes!
yeah i did water change friday, after they started dieing, if nothing else to eliminate it. erm noting has been added, there was a siamese fighter in the tank until yesterday when the tailless channa fell in and ate it. nothing has changed apart from the water being warmer over the last week or so!
its got me thinking! but i dont have a clue really!
how much of a waterchange did you preform, its just ive also been warned about waterchanges with channa as can result in death, change water every other month and only about 5-10% at that...maybe it is true what they say, I was told that the first day i got my channa,so always done the same since i was scared,appently after a waterchange is when people seem to loose channa, strange but true
i dont hardly do water changes, mabe about 5% every other month. just suck up the excess food and crap n then top it up, i topped the ornate tank up with cold water to drop the temp but this was all well after they started dieing so nowt to do with it.
i am pretty convinced it is the heat, as they get skin problems in warm water and the last week or so has been very warm indeed, got it at a constant 24 degrees now with the fans which should be ok, it is still eating, but then so was the others before they died!
eeeeee i dont know!
they are both fine now, kept the water at a max of 24 degrees, and all seems well, this summer weather we all look forward to, put an end to the lives of the little guys, so it looks!

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