Dechlorinated Ice Cubes


New Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Hi, I live in Brisbane on the eastern coast of Australia. Daytime temps haven`t dropped below 30 degs in the last 3 months,it hit 38 yesterday in my garden. I have a bit of a temperature issue,can`t seem to get my tank temp down below 32 degrees at the moment. Heater/thermostat is set at 26 degs and hasn`t been on since I set the tank up 3 weeks ago.I am currently cycling this tank in ,I have added mature filters and mature gravel and have 6 Danios in there at the moment,they all seem happy enough and are eating ok.I have plenty of bubbles going to increase surface area and all looks ok.I have tried a 10% water change but my tap water is about 29 degs and tank temp is back up to 32 in a couple of hours.I cannot afford an expensive chilling unit nor am I going to run the aircon 24/7. So I thought I would periodically add some dechlorinated ice cubes to the compartments of my trickle filter and hey presto the temp came to a comfortable 27degs, happy days eh? Just thought I`d` share this story with you.
Yea ice cubes are a good idea for sure, a lot of people do that, but you still have to be careful that the temperature isnt constantly going up and down, which tends to happen in cases like yours.
no need to dechlorinate the ice cubes, it's a waste of dechlorinator, the amount going into the tank will be so small and will have dissipated within a few hours.
fill 2 ltr bottles with water and freeze them..
you can then add the bottles to the tank and this will slowly lower the temp and none of the water will enter the tank

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