It's been a long, strange journey but three months later I've finally got fish in my tank! Can't believe how much I've learned along the way, it's not that long ago I wouldn't have known a guppy from a danio.
The scape is starting to take shape, I've made quite a lot of changes from my original concept. I decided I didn't like the way play sand compacts so I got rid of it and just kept the brown aquarium sand. The white rocks didn't really look right and felt too much like a marine ornament so they've gone away into my quarantine tank along with most of the plastic plants. I've got some grey landscape rock in its place. The fake log probably won't be staying either, I've got a piece of real mopani which will be going in after soaking.
I'm having a go at growing several live plants including vallis, java fern, crypts, java moss and a bit of egeria densa (not my favourite but I needed something to fill the back while I source some hornwort or limnophila). I'm dosing trace ferts but the lighting in this tank is really pitiful so I'm fully expecting them to all die! It will be trial and error for a while to find out what can survive. [Ignore the plastic basket, it's just holding some surplus java moss until I get around to doing something with it!]
Current stock is five platies including four small red mickey mouse and one red wagtail (Poppy, the big boss

) Oh yes, all the fish have already been named by the kids so I'm praying they survive the night. There's Mickey (of course
) and his harem Annie, Beatrice and Clarabel. Clarabel is the little orange one, Beatrice is shy and Annie is bold and likes to play in the current. I'm planning to give them a week to settle in and then I want to add one or two sunset platies, followed by guppies a few weeks later.
I was a bit concerned that the flow in the tank is a bit strong for them so I've turned it down a bit. They seem to enjoy swimming where the current is strong but then occasionally go back to rest behind the log. I'm trying to strike a balance between surface agitation, flow for the plants and not exhausting the fish.
I hope they'll be okay in their new home! The bag they came in was full of ammonia and nitrates so hopefully some fresh water will be a relief to them. Can't help worrying about them.