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We had our Boris letter weeks ago, and our daughter-in-law's father had his high risk letter weeks ago too. Our son has been doing all their shopping as daughter-in-law is a key worker - banking, call centre - and is not only working full time but a lot of overtime as well so she's no time for shopping. He's also been shopping for the mother of a friend who had heart bypass surgery in January.

Can you use the supermarkets which reserve the first hour for NHS, carers and high risk people?
We had our Boris letter weeks ago, and our daughter-in-law's father had his high risk letter weeks ago too. Our son has been doing all their shopping as daughter-in-law is a key worker - banking, call centre - and is not only working full time but a lot of overtime as well so she's no time for shopping. He's also been shopping for the mother of a friend who had heart bypass surgery in January.

Can you use the supermarkets which reserve the first hour for NHS, carers and high risk people?
My dad and aunt have had their Boris letter but we haven't. Not that I'm too bothered by that but I was thinking about having a tiny bonfire with it.
I probably could, I would have to look into it to see what kind of proof would be needed I. E my DWP letter to say I'm a carer but since the supermarket goes dead after half 7 or so in the evening I've been going at that time. No queues, next to no one in, its lovely. I've had enough of queueing now. I have been doing my grandparents shopping as well because I'm the only person in the family nearby that's not working or disabled at the moment and can drive to them.
I'm wondering if we got our letter so late because we're due back at the Christie soon for a scan and an appointment with the consultant so that may have thrown up a flag in the system.
I am struggling to understand why you felt it appropriate to add a swear word here, for no good productive reason and yet you accused me of being rude to the Tenth Dr, when all I did was challenge his authority of providing a competent opinion of health matters when he sells, sorry sorry, MAKES food that causes obesity and diabetes..

Anyway this is my YouTube channel, have a nice day.
First off, she felt it was appropriate to correct your post because you did something wrong. Secondly, she removed the dirty word, she didn’t add it.

You were sort of rude to @TheTenthDoctor, but I’m glad you “apologized” to him.

Also, @Fishmanic already asked you not to advertise your YouTube channel on this thread. If you want to advertise it on TFF, you need to make a different thread.

Moderators are here to help us, not to hinder us people.
I'm looking forward to opening back up. There are so many people and businesses suffering in my area
That’s sad... :(

I really haven’t noticed any suffering because, 1( I live in the middle of nowhere, and, 2( I don’t go out except every 2 weeks to shop for necessities.
I am struggling to understand why you felt it appropriate to add a swear word here, for no good productive reason and yet you accused me of being rude to the Tenth Dr, when all I did was challenge his authority of providing a competent opinion of health matters when he sells, sorry sorry, MAKES food that causes obesity and diabetes..

Anyway this is my YouTube channel, have a nice day.

Good grief. I don't cause obesity. People overeating do. If you don't overeat and eat with a sense of fullness you will not become obese. If you eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full then you will be fine. I have read a lot, I have seen what this is doing to people. Its difficult to watch your city crumble. Its difficult to have a slow day at work and be concerned about your hours. Maybe I'm wrong, but this coronavirus crap is going to effect us in negative ways for months. The lock down should have never happened. It was to flatten the curve not stamp out the disease. Politicians are enjoying their new found power. We are truly in a fix.
Good grief. I don't cause obesity. People overeating do.
I totally agree. It’s a not a spoons fault you are over weight. It is your fault, because you haven’t been watching your eating habits.

Just like that guy years ago that tried to sue McDonalds because h got fat. It doesn’t work that way people.
If the lockdown was done earlier then the virus would have been under control sooner.
Australia closed its borders and shut down cities a few weeks ahead of the US and most other countries and it's pretty much over now.

The Western Australian state government is sending kids back to school tomorrow, which concerns me a bit because we had a new case of covid19 today or yesterday. I would have preferred it if they didn't open back up until there had been no cases for 4 weeks. But governments want things to move on so they make the rules and they will be held accountable if this goes pear shaped over the next few weeks.

Fast food outlets are not directly responsible for people being overweight, but they are a contributing factor. Don't take this the wrong way, I am not having a go at the people working in fast food outlets. The big corporations make a low quality food that tastes good and is cheap. Then they get the staff to ask customers if they want an upgrade. The customer can say yes or no but normally say yes because the upgrade is only a few cents more.

The customers have to take responsibility for what they eat too, and people using cars to get from A to B doesn't help at all. But fast food outlets do contribute to people gaining weight, simply by offering quick easy to get, high calorie food.

Please note, this has nothing to do with the staff working at these type of establishments, it is senior management that tells the stores what to do and it is senior management that supply the recipes.

If you have an issue with fast food outlets, take it up with the boffins at head office, not the people behind the counter.
First off, she felt it was appropriate to correct your post because you did something wrong. Secondly, she removed the dirty word, she didn’t add it.

You were sort of rude to @TheTenthDoctor, but I’m glad you “apologized” to him.

Also, @Fishmanic already asked you not to advertise your YouTube channel on this thread. If you want to advertise it on TFF, you need to make a different thread.

Moderators are here to help us, not to hinder us people.

The word I read that was either repeated or added, was a B word which in the UK at least is considered a dirty word. I know very well someone else on here knew what was said was inappropriate because they said something like "they should have used custard".

I don't consider it productive in these troubled times to argue, I think we should be productive. Hope you are all safe and well.
The word I read that was either repeated or added, was a B word which in the UK at least is considered a dirty word. I know very well someone else on here knew what was said was inappropriate because they said something like "they should have used custard".

I don't consider it productive in these troubled times to argue, I think we should be productive. Hope you are all safe and well.
The “B” word you speak of is very insulting in the US and should be in the UK. Even if it’s not a curse word up there, doesn’t mean it isn’t a curse word Down here. You need to respect the fact that there may be kids on the forum.

If you don’t want to do that, at least do it to be courteous to others.
The “B” word you speak of is very insulting in the US and should be in the UK. Even if it’s not a curse word up there, doesn’t mean it isn’t a curse word Down here. You need to respect the fact that there may be kids on the forum.

If you don’t want to do that, at least do it to be courteous to others.
Snailaquarium wasn't condoning it lol he was against it
The lock down should have never happened. It was to flatten the curve not stamp out the disease. Politicians are enjoying their new found power. We are truly in a fix.

I'm not being funny but the lockdown was never going to STOP the disease, you are correct, it was meant to SLOW it down so the health services were not hit by a demand higher than its capacity, the consequences of which are gruesome, literally people dying in the streets from a car accident because the hospital has no spare beds..The curve has NOT actually flattened yet in your country which the last time I checked is the biggest hit so far.. So why would you want to stop the lock down?
I'm not being funny but the lockdown was never going to STOP the disease, you are correct, it was meant to SLOW it down so the health services were not hit by a demand higher than its capacity, the consequences of which are gruesome, literally people dying in the streets from a car accident because the hospital has no spare beds..The curve has NOT actually flattened yet in your country which the last time I checked is the biggest hit so far.. So why would you want to stop the lock down?
Possibly because we have a huge population btw The curve has flattened and businesses are dying they are important to

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