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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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This is not going to end soon. Expect it to last at least 3 more months and probably 6+ months.

I'm not sure which country you are in but the US government has its head up its butt and has no idea how to fix this issue. They are too busy thinking about the economy and should leave the medical decisions up to the medical professionals. Not make assumptions and inform the general public they will get the country going next week.
I agree. we can't just turn a switch and get the economy going just like before this CV started. Restarting too quickly can just make the spread again increase at a high rate. It's a fine line as to when AND how to start up the economy. I picture that until we get a vaccine, most people will be wearing masks and gloves wherever they go. Restaurants and sporting events will continue to be hugely affected as people avoid large gatherings where people would be in close proximity to each other. We are living in crazy times indeed.
I agree. we can't just turn a switch and get the economy going just like before this CV started. Restarting too quickly can just make the spread again increase at a high rate. It's a fine line as to when AND how to start up the economy.
Singapore is a prime example of this. They relaxed the laws about going out in public because the number of patients identified with Covid19 had dropped. A week after they relaxed the laws, hundreds of new cases suddenly popped up.

The laws can't be relaxed until there have been no cases for at least one month. And then everyone needs to be closely monitored to make sure no more cases appear.

Think of it like treating whitespot in fish. You don't stop treating the fish when the spots disappear because the parasites are still in the tank. You have to continue treating for a period after all the symptoms have disappeared. The same thing with this virus. We have to monitor and maintain strict quarantine standards until there have been no new cases for an extended period of time (at least one month).
Well i'm a bit nifed it was advised three weeks ago today lockdown was giong to be reviewed after three weeks, however, the review I understand is now on Thursday which will make it even longer as we are expecting government to extend it.
This really needs to be taken seriously. It gets real quickly when it starts being family and not just big numbers on the telly. I have spent a couple of hours every morning for the last week pacing around the house waiting to hear if my daughter answers my first text of the day. For the past 3 days she has been too bad to speak and breathe at the same time so text has been our only way to communicate.

Twice she has called 999 and been waiting for an amblance only to get a call from the paramedics to say they would not make it as there were too many more urgent cases and she should try again tomorrow :mad: She is not considered a priority because she is in her 20s. But she lives on her own in a farm cottage - so nobody would even know if she collapsed and passed out.

Sorry for the rant - but its not a joke.
P.S. Hopefully she turned the corner today and we were actually able to speak for the first time in almost a week.
This really needs to be taken seriously. It gets real quickly when it starts being family and not just big numbers on the telly. I have spent a couple of hours every morning for the last week pacing around the house waiting to hear if my daughter answers my first text of the day. For the past 3 days she has been too bad to speak and breathe at the same time so text has been our only way to communicate.

Twice she has called 999 and been waiting for an amblance only to get a call from the paramedics to say they would not make it as there were too many more urgent cases and she should try again tomorrow :mad: She is not considered a priority because she is in her 20s. But she lives on her own in a farm cottage - so nobody would even know if she collapsed and passed out.

Sorry for the rant - but its not a joke.
P.S. Hopefully she turned the corner today and we were actually able to speak for the first time in almost a week.

So sorry to hear your young daughter being affected badly, I hope her age is on her side. Perhaps you can find a way to keep more updated more regularly with her using modern technology. cant she do internet?
So sorry to hear your young daughter being affected badly, I hope her age is on her side. Perhaps you can find a way to keep more updated more regularly with her using modern technology. Kind of like a bay monitor.
I'm in Berks and she is in Wilts. Only 60 miles but may as well be on the other side of the planet :(
I want to say this isnt polictical but kinda weird, there is some drug I saw in a YouTube video where Trump is heavily suggesting everyone takes it and yet it might now do anything (beneficial)t. How weird.
At the risk of being political - Trump owns shares in the manufacturer :whistle:
Yes this is not gonna end soon. Lol I dont know how people can still be thinking that.
This really needs to be taken seriously. It gets real quickly when it starts being family and not just big numbers on the telly. I have spent a couple of hours every morning for the last week pacing around the house waiting to hear if my daughter answers my first text of the day. For the past 3 days she has been too bad to speak and breathe at the same time so text has been our only way to communicate.

Twice she has called 999 and been waiting for an amblance only to get a call from the paramedics to say they would not make it as there were too many more urgent cases and she should try again tomorrow :mad: She is not considered a priority because she is in her 20s. But she lives on her own in a farm cottage - so nobody would even know if she collapsed and passed out.

Sorry for the rant - but its not a joke.
P.S. Hopefully she turned the corner today and we were actually able to speak for the first time in almost a week.
Hopefully she is on the mend now but if she can't speak again she MUST get to hospital, whatever means necessary and without delay. If an ambulance can't take her then someone else must. Sod social distancing, get her there.
My thoughts are with you.
I worked out why there is no stock in supermarkets in Australia. It has to do with the automatic ordering system at the supermarkets. The computers keep track of everything being sold and automatically order in x amount of stock to replace what has been sold. The problem is that people are buying everything in the first half hour that the shops are open and that is all that gets ordered.

How on earth did you find that out??? Is this the same supermarket chain?
At the risk of being political - Trump owns shares in the manufacturer :whistle:

Really? I thought he just worked in hotels. Did you know he appeared in many cameo roles in films including home alone just because they were shot i one of his hotels.
How on earth did you find that out??? Is this the same supermarket chain?
All supermarket systems work that way. I spent many years developing the software. Many supermarkets today have tiny stock rooms because stock you can't sell (i.e. its not on the shelves) is a liability. In normal conditions the model will predict increased demand, e.g. more ice cream is sold as the weather gets warmer. When something like this happens the model fails.

If the manager does not have the ability to over-ride the model it proves that he is not a manager at all but really a cog in the corporate machine. Don't be too hard on him, he is probably just doing his job. A secondary factor is of course storage space. Especially for items that need to be refrigerated or frozen, or low value items that take up a lot of space - such as toilet paper. From a financial point of view buying enough toilet paper for panic buying does not make sense. It reduces your $/square metre, which is what the manager is measured on. Sorry but that is the way capitalism works :(
Alcohol is easy to make. Get a container of water, add a bag of sugar and a packet of yeast. Put a lid on the container and do it up a bit but not completely. The yeast eats the sugar water and produces alcohol and carbon dioxide. The CO2 will cause the container to expand and explode if the lid is on too tight.

You can buy bubblers that go in the lid of the container and allow the gas out without letting bad bacteria into the mixture.

Depending on the type of yeast you use, will determine the % of alcohol that you produce. Bakers yeast will make alcohol about 3-6%. You can buy wine yeast that will make about 16-20% alcohol. Spirit yeast makes about 30% alcohol.

You can use fruit juice instead of water or in addition to the water. You can blend up fruit and add that too if you want a bit of flavour.

With wine you crush/ blend up the grapes. Put the crushed grapes and grape juice in a container. Add wine yeast and cover the container. Wait a month or so for the yeast to use all the sugars and convert it into alcohol, then pour the liquid through a fine piece of material to remove the bits and pieces and you have wine.

If you want to increase the % of alcohol you then distill the wine and that removes some of the water and leaves a higher % of alcohol.

If you can distill the alcohol enough and get it up to 60%, you can use it for disinfecting things.
@Colin is your second name google??

How do you know all these subjects man ;) fish, birds, reptiles. I thought you might of been the real Dr Dolittle at first but then you know about wine making and buliding things etc lol
@Colin is your second name google??

How do you know all these subjects man ;) fish, birds, reptiles. I thought you might of been the real Dr Dolittle at first but then you know about wine making and buliding things etc lol
You gotta remember he is a super smart alien with a high capacity for learning;)
@PheonixKingZ I think your church was in the news with the drive in service for easter and problems with the mayor

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