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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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That's so scary! What did they want?
Money, they hide in the closet...I mean how could you kill a 80 years old woman without thinking anything...
That is so terrible! And very sad.Is there a way to lock the door and keep them from breaking in?
Well i'm a bit nifed it was advised three weeks ago today lockdown was giong to be reviewed after three weeks, however, the review I understand is now on Thursday which will make it even longer as we are expecting government to extend it.
This is not going to end soon. Expect it to last at least 3 more months and probably 6+ months.

I'm not sure which country you are in but the US government has its head up its butt and has no idea how to fix this issue. They are too busy thinking about the economy and should leave the medical decisions up to the medical professionals. Not make assumptions and inform the general public they will get the country going next week.

I worked out why there is no stock in supermarkets in Australia. It has to do with the automatic ordering system at the supermarkets. The computers keep track of everything being sold and automatically order in x amount of stock to replace what has been sold. The problem is that people are buying everything in the first half hour that the shops are open and that is all that gets ordered. There is no stock available to customers coming in after that time, and because no more stock gets sold, no more stock gets ordered. So the shops only get in enough stock to replace what is sold in the first half hour of trade each day.

I have written to the supermarket chains here and spoken to the store managers about this but they are unwilling to do a double order. Subsequently people trying to buy food and groceries either have to fight for them during the first 30 minutes of trade, or miss out.

I am now writing to the federal government about this because it has gone way too far. People are still stock piling in the morning and other people are starving to death. That shouldn't happen at this time in human history.
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This is not going to end soon. Expect it to last at least 3 more months and probably 6+ months.

I'm not sure which country you are in but the US government has its head up its butt and has no idea how to fix this issue. They are too busy thinking about the economy and should leave the medical decisions up to the medical professionals. Not make assumptions and inform the general public they will get the country going next week.

I want to say this isnt polictical but kinda weird, there is some drug I saw in a YouTube video where Trump is heavily suggesting everyone takes it and yet it might now do anything (beneficial)t. How weird.

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