your thoughts here...

How is that possible when prisons are meant to be locked down and not having any visitors?

And the fact it is in 14 prisons would suggest it has been spread to them by someone. Maybe a doctor or someone from the government checking the prisons is spreading it.
Well I don't think they were on lockdown but prison officers can obviously pass it on to other people
Can I open stuff that sent from China? It was shipped 2 months ago and now I got it but scare to open it, scare of Covid in a box....I know the virus died but still scare.
Shipping has not been banned as viruses only live on surface for two days.
Australian researches have said the virus can live on different surfaces for up to 2 weeks depending on conditions. A couple of days in warm dry conditions, longer in cool or damp conditions.

The problem is you don't know if the courier is infected, or if any infected people have come in contact with the courier, or if the people that loaded the parcels into the van are infected.

There's 3 different possible sources of infection just from getting a parcel delivered.

I noticed my postman is now wearing gloves when delivering mail.
Check out this huge gallery being turned into a make shift hospital, its also being used as a modal to build a few more

It certainly is impressive. For all the flaws in the NHS, after some of the comments on here and the news I am so grateful we live in a country where healthcare is a service rather than an industry.
@Barry Tetra...I would be very careful opening boxes from china. My Grandma orders a lot of her card making items online and the most always come from china. She leaves them out for a few days and then sprays then with a really strong disinfectant.

Please be careful, we don't want you to end up catching this nasty virus. :(
It certainly is impressive. For all the flaws in the NHS, after some of the comments on here and the news I am so grateful we live in a country where healthcare is a service rather than an industry.

Oh so you are in the uk too then, if anyone else is in the uk please let me know, also do you watch any youtube channels from uk people besides Gearge Farmer?

I had a bad back the other year had three slipped discs, had to see ostopath frequently. They just text me the other day to say they are shutting down but will do video conferencing for half price which is kinda funny because if they cant massage your back what can they do?
@Barry Tetra...I would be very careful opening boxes from china. My Grandma orders a lot of her card making items online and the most always come from china. She leaves them out for a few days and then sprays then with a really strong disinfectant.

Please be careful, we don't want you to end up catching this nasty virus. :(
I spray all 2 weeks ago but still dont want to open it :rofl:
It certainly is impressive. For all the flaws in the NHS, after some of the comments on here and the news I am so grateful we live in a country where healthcare is a service rather than an industry.
You're telling man. :rolleyes:
Barry, if your really concerned, put the box in a car and put the car in the sun for a day. The inside of the car will heat up to about 60C and kill anything in or on the box.

If you don't have a car, make up a hot box. Basically a black wooden box with a glass or metal lid. Have the hot box in the sun and put the box of things inside the hot box. Leave it there for a day and the heat that builds up inside the box should kill anything.
Update from Australia.

Several hundred thousand people just became unemployed due to the virus shutting down businesses. Millions expected to become unemployed in coming weeks.

To date 16 people have died in Australia from this virus.
Today there are 3978 cases currently in Australia.

The Prime Minister looks and sounds like he has a cold. Lets hope he is ok and just needs sleep.

Government is putting money into domestic violence helplines and expects domestic violence to escalate due to people being stuck at home.

Government is putting money into mental health due to stress and anxiety about the virus.

Australian defence forces are being used as security at airports and harbours to help control people coming into the country.

New app for phones that lets people check their symptoms against the medical data base. Also to help track cases across the country.

Public gatherings was 10 people and is now down to 2 people in public spaces. This will be an enforceable limit with fines and prison time for offenders.

Public play grounds and skate parks are closed until this is over.

Must stay at home except for:
1) Shopping for essential items.
2) Medical care.
3) To exercise.
4) For work or education if you can't do it remotely.

Tenancies for commercial and residential properties.
Moratorium on eviction of persons if they are unable to maintain payments, for next 6 months. Banks, tenants and landlords must communicate and work with each other to make this happen.

Government recommends older people stay at home as much as possible so there is less chance of them catching the virus.

Universal telehealth to start tomorrow.
Australian doctor on the TV telling us how it is. She is 6 months pregnant and has a young child at home but continues to work to try and help people.

She has been wearing the same gown and mask for the last 5 days.
They don't have enough medical supplies and need more protective clothing and masks. And they want more testing and resources for testing.

She and other medical clinics have hundreds of new patients coming in every day and people are not disclosing that they have a cough or cold because they have been turned away from other clinics. When they go in to talk to the doctor, they cough in the doctor's face.

Medical clinics have seen a massive rise in abuse and assaults against the medical staff.

Staff and people going into hospitals are stealing emergency medical supplies like masks and disinfectant hand washes.

Infected people are still going out in public and there was footage of a woman spitting on fruit and veges at a supermarket. More footage showing an infected woman spitting on the floor at the doctors clinic. An infected woman spitting on a Police Officer's face. A courier spitting on a package he was about to deliver. And more abuse and threats from people who are sick, or claiming to be sick.

These sick people are deliberately spreading the virus for whatever reason. They should be locked up for the rest of their lives.
I cant buy Lego pieces of Bricklink anymore :(


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