your thoughts here...

A 17 year old in California died from this because he was turned away from the hospital for not having insurance. Another teen in Louisiana died too
One of my daughters just called. Due to the shut down of businesses her boss is closing the business permanently and she is now unemployed. Her part time job is also gone and they do not know if they will reopen.:(
One of my daughters just called. Due to the shut down of businesses her boss is closing the business permanently and she is now unemployed. Her part time job is also gone and they do not know if they will reopen.:(

The boss of one of the big pub chains (all of which told to shut as part of lock down) in the UK actually advised his staff to go apply for a job at Tesco's (a food reailer, currently on a recruitment campain for staff to fill empty shelves lol#)
27 prisoners have contracted coronavirus

As of 1pm on Thursday, 27 prisoners have tested positive for coronavirus in 14 prisons, the Ministry of Justice has said.
How is that possible when prisons are meant to be locked down and not having any visitors?

And the fact it is in 14 prisons would suggest it has been spread to them by someone. Maybe a doctor or someone from the government checking the prisons is spreading it.
How is that possible when prisons are meant to be locked down and not having any visitors?

And the fact it is in 14 prisons would suggest it has been spread to them by someone. Maybe a doctor or someone from the government checking the prisons is spreading it.
That's how it spread multiple nurse.g homes here. A staff member that worked at 3 different ones spread it between
A senior living apartment building near me now has 7 cases of Covid 19. My bet is more will be infected due to close living areas such as dining room and other common areas. 5 are now hospitalized and one has died. Everyone in the building has now been quarantined.
A senior living apartment building near me now has 7 cases of Covid 19. My bet is more will be infected due to close living areas such as dining room and other common areas. 5 are now hospitalized and one has died. Everyone in the building has now been quarantined.
Apartments are worse because the virus can bond to air molecules and gets carried through the vents
This is awesome! There is a couple hotels offering free rooms to medical workers so they dont have to risk taking the virus home to their families!
How is that possible when prisons are meant to be locked down and not having any visitors?

And the fact it is in 14 prisons would suggest it has been spread to them by someone. Maybe a doctor or someone from the government checking the prisons is spreading it.
There are hundreds of staff going in and out of each prison every day. Prison visits have been stopped.
This is awesome! There is a couple hotels offering free rooms to medical workers so they dont have to risk taking the virus home to their families!
As long as the hotel staff don't catch anything from the doctors and take it home.

What they need to do is leave the hotel staff at the hotel so they can take care of the doctors and nurses and then the virus stays at the hotel if it makes it there. otherwise they risk doing what happened at the prisons, see below.

There are hundreds of staff going in and out of each prison every day. Prison visits have been stopped.
point taken.
Can I open stuff that sent from China? It was shipped 2 months ago and now I got it but scare to open it, scare of Covid in a box....I know the virus died but still scare.
I would be more concerned about the person who delivered the parcel and what you caught by touching their pen to sign for the item.

The item itself should be free of the virus but the surrounding box it was delivered in could be contaminated. Spray some alcohol based disinfectant on the box and leave it to dry. Then open it.

Or do what I do, leave the box in a spare room for a couple of weeks. That lets viruses and most bacteria die and then I open them.

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