your thoughts here...

It's odd the huge numbers infected in Italy, I'm not 100% sure but I think it's their culture to me greet people with a kiss. Even males kissing other males, seen it in a lot of mafia films. 7375 now infected in Italy.
It's odd the huge numbers infected in Italy, I'm not 100% sure but I think it's their culture to me greet people with a kiss. Even males kissing other males, seen it in a lot of mafia films. 7375 now infected in Italy.
Further to the above I've been to Turkey before and they kissed there too. It wouldn't surprise me if it gets big there.
It's odd the huge numbers infected in Italy, I'm not 100% sure but I think it's their culture to me greet people with a kiss. Even males kissing other males, seen it in a lot of mafia films. 7375 now infected in Italy.
Yes they do that, Ive seen that when I traveled.
Gotcha. So house pets can get it? (Dogs, cats, etc)
Normally with human cold and flu viruses, our pets (dogs and cats) can't contract it. However, this is a new virus that has recently jumped from animals to people so it is possible that it could jump back to our pets.

We really need more information about it but it might be able to go back to animals at this stage in its evolution.

It would be more likely to jump back to our pets if it came from animals that are closely related to cats or dogs to begin with. If it came from pigs it probably wouldn't jump to dogs and cats. If it's come from bats it shouldn't jump to cats and dogs but could jump to horses. A lot of bat viruses can infect horses for some reason.
I hope this whole thing is over soon. And I hope none of you guys get infected. :no::sad:

Well we are lucky it started mid winter because spring and summer sunshine is bad for the virus... Its going to be going worse before it gets better. Where I work we have now got our own set desk now and we don't have to share it. We also had the hand antibiotics sanitizer gel replaced with a alcohol one. We have also stopped any unnecessary meetings and advised people to stop shaking hands.
Well we are lucky it started mid winter because spring and summer sunshine is bad for the virus... Its going to be going worse before it gets better. Where I work we have now got our own set desk now and we don't have to share it. We also had the hand antibiotics sanitizer gel replaced with a alcohol one. We have also stopped any unnecessary meetings and advised people to stop shaking hands.
Just bump elbows from now on. ;)

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