Bronze And Albino Eggs!

Women's minds are every bit as dirty, they just don't share it in mixed company as easily.  :lol:
Congrat's on the little sperm specks, ooopssie...

I promise I'll stop from now on

Can we get a video of the cories, please....
They're honestly so small I have to look at them through a magnifying glass! I don't even know how many there are. But I promise, as soon as they're beyond microscopic I'll post a video.
Yes, I know it's hard. I was stuck to the glass with my camera for ages to take a video that shows that I am not crazy and there's fish in it. :)
Good luck with them OS. They grow really fast.
Thanks! This is my second batch (last litter was 11/11/11) so I'm hoping things go as well as they did then.
Photos! I think it would have been easier trying to photograph fairies on the head of a pin, but here goes:

Look for the red circle:

I've seen five at once, but usually they aren't all moving at once, and when they stop moving they completely disappear! So I still don't know how many I have. But they are growing (doubled in size since Monday) and are very busy, so I'm thankful for that!
Next time ... the pure white sand ...
I see nothing!

I see two in the enlarged pic.  :D   So cute!  I love baby cories!
Wildbetta said:
I see two in the enlarged pic.  
  So cute!  I love baby cories!
That's funny  ... I only saw one when I took the photo! But you're right. There are two there. One is dead center (the one I saw) and the other is behind and to the right. 
I think they're looking good! They're so cool when they're young ... they have such an evil look.
It's funny ... some are already bigger than others. I slippped 8 more RCS into the tank yesterday to help with cleanup. Did a water change (takes more time to do it in the fry tank than the 55g!) and now everybody is really nice and active. I'll try to take some photos in a week to see how much they've grown. 
I forgot how much fun this is!

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