Funny thing, there are a few pest snails in there! I have no idea where they came from. Either the sand that's been in that tank for months (even though I washed and washed it before using it this time) or there were eggs on the java moss. All my tanks have assassin snails except this one, so who knows?
No chance for almond leaves in my neck of the woods. Been feeding them ground fish flakes 3X daily and that seems to be doing the trick. It's what I did last time, too, and all those former fry are in my 55g, save one who mysteriously died a couple of weeks ago.
Back to the current fry, I'm thinking now there's at least a dozen in there! So hard to tell at this stage, but I counted 11 that were visibly swimming, and I know there must have been some that were resting which makes them completely invisible. My husband thinks he's getting them all for his 75g. Well maybe, in another year! His synodontis would snack on these right off the bat.