Bronze And Albino Eggs!

This Old Spouse said:
They're actually the same species, only different color phases, and I don't know yet what color they'll be. If I remember right it's at least a month before they lose their "baby" coloring. I don't see any that look like albinos at this point. But I still may be surprised!

Yeah, was talking bout cory babies. My month olds are proper cories now. Still cute, but...
Anyway, could always do with more grandbabies. They love on ya like nobody's business, and you get to give them back when you or they get cranky.
Are your grandbabies close to you? I have 3 in two different cities far away from me. I miss them!
Well technicaly, my wife's granbabies. Two are in Texas, but don't ever get to see em. And two just about a half hour away, but due to schedules hardly get too se them either. Elise, (my girlfriend), loves her Pappy though.
My husband's grandson is about 3 hours away, but in the same city as our lake cabin, so we get to see him fairly often during the summer. My two are in Minneapolis, a little over 4 hours away. Don't see them nearly enough. Both my daughters and my mother are down there, so I've been campaigning to move closer to there, mainly because my mom is starting to fail a bit and I want to be close enough to do any good. This is why I have 4 aquariums.
snazy said:
If you had holes at the bottom for drainage, you could have just topped up water an the replaced water pushes the old one down through the breeder box. That's how I did it when I kept mine. I never took out water, just kept pouring more/flushing slowly, 2 seconds job.
That's def. a great tip and maybe after all this I'll poke some holes in the bottom of the mini tank, I think a few upgrades are in order anyways :)  so far the wc's haven't been a pain bc I'm home all day as it is, and I would be messing around the mini tank anyways :rolleyes: 
Great stuff...
wow, that's a big difference!!! You have a teeny meeny and a godzilla :D
Sadly, while I was out of town for a few days, several of the fry perished. It appears the smallest were the ones that died. I'm left with 3, who seem to be doing well. 
Good thing there were shrimp in there, otherwise I might have had a fatal ammonia spike that would have killed them all. I guess that's good news. 
Sorry TOS.  It is the best for a bad situation...  I've lost far more fry than I could imagine, I believe.  That's what happens when you don't try to save them.  They die and you just don't know about it.  A case of "ignorance is bliss".  I just get excited when I see another new one pop out of a hiding spot!

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