Bloated Stomach... Help Needed Quickly.

I see I misled you badly. It is a parasite. The whole tanks must be treated. I have no experience with parasites.

I am sure someone can ID that. From there you can chose a medication. My first thought again is PrazilPro. Although tttnjfttt has a med with the same ingredients, but milder. Salt is a good start for a beginning. Salt dips will help the affected fish immediately. And add salt to the tanks.
Can't search for ID, off to hospital to see baby rushing;
Not sure if this link has been posted as yet but got PM-->

Like i said first time round camallanus is my best bet, which isn't included in the ID site, bear in mind that you could have more than one parsite, hope someone gets it sorted, if not speak to you in erm......
11 hours, sorry.....
That took a while to read. I know I need to treat the tank very soon. The problem is that I don't want to do the wrong thing. There are too many options, and I have no experience with these things in a planted tank. A lot of meds say they will kill plants, and don't mention what it does to them. I need something that is not going to kill my plants. Is there a med or med combo that will get rid of the parasite and not kill my fish? Even salt kills plants at the levels you would have to have to kill the worms!
I am going to check on flubenol 15 to see if it kills these things. If so then I will go ahead and add it. I know it is safe with plants.
I also added a heater to the big tank. The temp usually runs around 70 to 72. I read that it takes a lot longer to get rid of parasites in lower temps. I am now trying to raise the temp to about 78.
The fishless tank will get dumped and bleached.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated! I don't want to lose all my fish and plants.

Thanks for helping! :good:
PraziPro by Hikari

It is safe for commonly kept aquarium animals and plants in both marine and freshwater aquariums and ponds.

It treats flukes, tapewoms, flatworms, turbelariums safely and effectively.

It will not negatively impact your biological filtration.

This was the recommendation from Bryan:

Quote from: jollysue on August 26, 2007 01:44PM

Does PrazilPro treat anchor worm? Is it safe for plants?

I would recommend using Dimilin if your treating anchor worms, however, be sure that is what you are treating as they are rarely seen in the hobby today unless in pond fish. Jungle Pond Anchors Away is an easy to use and find product.

Quote from: jollysue on August 26, 2007 02:36PM

Thanks, for the prompt reply, Bryan. This is a link to the problem. Near the end is a picture of the parasites.

I gave her the wrong advice on the problem, thinking she would not have had parasites. Now she has a major problem. Is the med safe for her planted tanks? How would you recommend treatment?

I don't see a link ? Easy to use liquid will not discolor the water and can be used at any water temperature in ornamental ponds, water gardens and display tanks.
We are going to petco.... I know... I'm not getting fish. It is the only thing open today. It is almost 2 hours away. I am going to see what I can find.
I will post when I get back.
Bryan's response to my pm

Quote from: jollysue on August 26, 2007 02:59PM

:goofy: sorry

ICEEGRL thread Bloated Stomach

I would not be so fast to say that's an anchor worm as it looks nothing like the one's I've ever seen. If that dead fish is the issue in those pics that's a bacterial infection and not parasitic in nature at all.

Hikari CyroPro Anchor Worm Treatment is the World's First Ready-To-Use, Liquid Concentrate Cyromazine Treatment! Liquid CyroPro is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control conditions caused by anchor worm and fish lice in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium.

She can also use Hikari Cyro Pro Anchor Worm Treatment is extremely safe and super effective this revolutionary product offers you rapid control yet will not negatively impact your biological filtration.


It looks like the problems are compounded.

Assuming a parasitic infection, the fish could also have gotten a bacterial infection stemming from the stress caused by the parasite.

I thought anchor worms were external.

Those things are huge.

You could try emailing [email protected]
or visiting Hikari web site
or calling (800) 621-5619
I'm back. It was a long evening. The only med I could find that covered all the bases was Jungle parasite clear. It is fizzy tabs. It claims to kill external and internal parasites and helps to prevent secondary infections. It also claims not to harm biological function or plants. It has praziquantel, diflubenzuron, metronidazole, and acriflavine in it. I don't know anything about these meds, except the first one is the same that is in prazipro. I looked it up before we left, and made notes on what people said works.
I will do a water change in the morning after I drop Shay off at school. I am sick, and I am just not up to it right now.

Was he saying that the worms I have are not anchor worms? They looked like the ones I found when I googled them.

By the way... My omts flaired up again... 3x!!!!!

Thanks for helping!
hmmm...well i hope the meds work and nothing like that happens again...shame....looked like a beautiful fish.
She was very pretty. I have had her for a long time too. If the others live, I think I am going to try to get them to breed.
Thanks :good:
I forgot to bring my computer to work, so I am breaking employer rules by using the work computer. I will tell them it is an emergency and I won't do it again. :=)

Bryan said it was different than the ones he has seen. Remember he dea;s with hundreds of fish a day and has for many years.

He also said that she showed signs that she died from a bacterial infection. Anchor worms I am pretty sure are an external parasite, not internal.

She could have gotten sick from the parasite and then had a bacterial infection take hold from her weakened condition.
Ok. Hopefully the med I got will cover all the bases for what ever is going on in there.
Since I nutted up and bought 3 more tanks, I am going to empty and sanitize the 10g with the live worms wiggling everywhere and put it up. I am not going to use it.
I haven't seen any actual worms in the 55g yet. I just figure they have to be in there somewhere. That is where the danio was that died. She was never in the 10g. The only thing that the 2 tanks had in common was some wood. I moved it from the 55g to the 10g to keep it wet. I figure the worms had to have been on the wood.
Nothing has gone from the 10g to the 55g so it had to have come from 55g first. If not I wouldn't have 2 more in the 55g sick.
The only reason I said the dead danio had the same worms as I saw in the 10g swimming was the one you can see going up the middle of her belly. You can see the worm and the black thing at the end in her stomach.
From what I read about anchor worms... They stay on the outside until they mate. Then the male dies and the female digs into the fish to lay her eggs. (or something like that)
These worms are fairly large. It shocked me. They swim like an accordian too. They are kind of strange. I found myself watching them for almost an hour the other day.
Well... I have a lot to get done today. I had better get back on it.
Thanks for helping! It really means a lot.
Here is the reply from HikariUSA (I sent them a message, I suggest that you send them a pic of the worm and of the dead fish and talk to them yourself):

Susan - PraziPro is safe for use with plants and planted tanks, as is all of our products. The best product for Anchor Worm is CyroPro. You can obtain more information on this product by using the link below. We appreciate you taking the time to contact us and your support of our products!

Hikari website
----- Original Message -----

email again:

[email protected]

Or you can call toll free for more personal one on one help. I put the phone # in a previous post.

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