He looks absolutely horrid. He wallows on the bottom, no movement, and only occasionally spazes into movement and breathes some air.
I did a 90% water change today, added teaspoon of salt, blackwater extract, and I bumped the medicine to about 2ml because I've added more water. As the water lowered, he spazzed and landed on the betta hammock, unmoving. I thought he died, I gently picked him up supporting him with one finger and lowered him into the water, but he burst back to life and hid behind the plastic plant
He seems to only eat randomley. When he ate, he was spurting around the tank, and as he began to descend to lay on the bottom, a stray brine shrimp flake floated by and he slurped it in. He won't actually eat if I place food in front of him
Hopefully the second round won't kill him
I've been so devoted to Alpha's care, I've neglected the other tanks. I haven't done a water change on both in almost over a week
Because I'm afraid of using the gravel vacuum even if I sterilize it with either hot water or bleach, I keep having nightmares that the infection spreads to the 20gallon
I just want him to be better and healthy so I can return him to his luxurious Chi. There's a new filter and light waiting for him, I keep telling him (I know, it's weird, leave me alone) And new plants. All he has to do is get better

I did a 90% water change today, added teaspoon of salt, blackwater extract, and I bumped the medicine to about 2ml because I've added more water. As the water lowered, he spazzed and landed on the betta hammock, unmoving. I thought he died, I gently picked him up supporting him with one finger and lowered him into the water, but he burst back to life and hid behind the plastic plant

He seems to only eat randomley. When he ate, he was spurting around the tank, and as he began to descend to lay on the bottom, a stray brine shrimp flake floated by and he slurped it in. He won't actually eat if I place food in front of him

Hopefully the second round won't kill him

I've been so devoted to Alpha's care, I've neglected the other tanks. I haven't done a water change on both in almost over a week

I just want him to be better and healthy so I can return him to his luxurious Chi. There's a new filter and light waiting for him, I keep telling him (I know, it's weird, leave me alone) And new plants. All he has to do is get better