Betta With Columnaris

He looks absolutely horrid. He wallows on the bottom, no movement, and only occasionally spazes into movement and breathes some air.
I did a 90% water change today, added teaspoon of salt, blackwater extract, and I bumped the medicine to about 2ml because I've added more water. As the water lowered, he spazzed and landed on the betta hammock, unmoving. I thought he died, I gently picked him up supporting him with one finger and lowered him into the water, but he burst back to life and hid behind the plastic plant :/
He seems to only eat randomley. When he ate, he was spurting around the tank, and as he began to descend to lay on the bottom, a stray brine shrimp flake floated by and he slurped it in. He won't actually eat if I place food in front of him :no:

Hopefully the second round won't kill him :shout:

I've been so devoted to Alpha's care, I've neglected the other tanks. I haven't done a water change on both in almost over a week :crazy: Because I'm afraid of using the gravel vacuum even if I sterilize it with either hot water or bleach, I keep having nightmares that the infection spreads to the 20gallon :sad:

I just want him to be better and healthy so I can return him to his luxurious Chi. There's a new filter and light waiting for him, I keep telling him (I know, it's weird, leave me alone) And new plants. All he has to do is get better :no:

Bless him.

Don't forget to wash your hands after placing them in the betta tank.
It will be fine to use your equipment after sterilizing.
If your still worried buy another gravel vac for main tank. But sterilize before use.
Another update

The battery operated air pump burned out. It's in disrepair, and I asked my parents to go get another, their response was "It's not worth a betta"
Of course, I was PO'd at them, but getting angry about it wasn't going to help Alpha.
I put in the filter, set it on low and put it a tidbit out of the water to create water movement without a massive current swirling him around. I just hope he doesn't get sucked up there :(

He still looks miserable. Still laying on the bottom. Fins still a mess. Water temp 74 degrees, daily adding of aquarium salt and ammoniasafe. Only adding 2ml of medication on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th day.
I'm starting to wonder if the medicine is actually working :sad:
Never rain but pours.

Does it say in the instructions if you can up the dose.
How many mg is the med?
Never rain but pours.

Does it say in the instructions if you can up the dose.
How many mg is the med?

Mardel Maracyn Plus
It's a 8fl oz or 236ml bottle, expires in May 2013.
The QT tank is a 2.5 gallon, not filled the whole way, so I estimate about 2 gallons of water in there now. I add 2ml according to the days it says too. If I do a water change, I redose.
Perscribed dose is 10ml per 10 gallons, or 1ml to a gallon. Directions state to dose on 1st, 3rd, and 5th day. Prevents reinfection during treatment. It says you can treat multiple times.

Active Ingredients:
Each dose (10ml) contains 14.5mg of Sulfamethazine and 2.9mg of Trimethoprim.
Make sure the tank is not too much aerated, columnaris loves oxygen. Since it is a betta tank you should get away with less oxygen.

These two medications combined together should work for a bad case of columnaris and don't affect your filter really. Of course, if spending more money on this betta is an option. (Kanaplex/Kanamycin Sulfate) (Furan 2/Nitrofuarzone)
No money for buying online medication, but I think I can get away with the Furan-2. I will try to convince parents to go get some, although the Seachem one sounds really good :sad:
No money for buying online medication, but I think I can get away with the Furan-2. I will try to convince parents to go get some, although the Seachem one sounds really good :sad:

Where are you located, United States? The seachem kanamycin and seachem furan 2 should be readily available in fish shops there.
No money for buying online medication, but I think I can get away with the Furan-2. I will try to convince parents to go get some, although the Seachem one sounds really good :sad:

Where are you located, United States? The seachem kanamycin and seachem furan 2 should be readily available in fish shops there.

I'm in the USA, but I've never seen the Seachem for sale in stores. The Furan-2, yes I have. The Seachem isn't available in stores for the reason that its professional grade, substance abuse, child accidental overdoes, etc. Something like that.

But, the good news is, I had a long talk with my parental units. They've been stressed a lot lately, and I'm doing extra chores around the house, but they've agreed to let me order the Seachem KanaPlex online, and I might as well get the Furan-2 as well. The KanaPlex sounds very promising, although I'm a little concerned about using both medications. Are you sure the two won't be too much? Also, I turned down the filter to reduce oxygen levels. :good:
Tetracycline which is a gram positive, gram negative med. It will wipe the bacteria out in your filter. But it is a very good antibiotic.
Good thing Alpha's in a QT.

I ordered the KanaPlex, should arrive withing the week. Also picking up some Furan-2 this week too. Hopefully Alpha will still be alive by then.
Good Luck.

Is the fish eating any better yet?
Good Luck.

Is the fish eating any better yet?

He eats, but not when I watch him. I will throw a garlic soaked flake or pellet in, and it will be gone in 1-2 days.
As far as I know, he might have been eating this whole time. I only ever saw him suck in that flake that one time :/
Is it possible to load a pic of the betta now.

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