Betta With Columnaris

Sorry for thread skimming so i dont know if your still talking about worms or if this has been mentioned.

I battled these worms for months try every product recomended and none worked. Then i was told about levamosil (spelling) i got a product called levaside and it is a god send. Its a sheep and pig wormer only takes 2 doses and after an hour i saw the worms falling out, the second treatment is to kill the remaining eggs when they hatch. I couldnt recomend this stuff enough

Think you've got the wrong thread :lol:
My betta has colummnaris, a vicious bacterial infection. No worms here :good:
Lol oopsies
Obviously i was only skimming the threads too as i thought it said calamanus worms

Here it is: :lol:
I regret to inform that sometime today, Alpha had finally passed on.

Most of his fins are gone, I assume he got caught in the filter uptake and swam away, ripping his fins and leading to shock.
I wrapped him in a paper towel, and it became bloody from the damaged fins.

He was such a little trooper, but his pain has finally ended. I tried my best, but it was too late. I am heartbroken he never got to see the fully rescaped Fluval Chi I promised him, but he's in a better place.
He will be buried tomorrow in the yard under the White Flocks.

I am very sorry. You did try everything you can and I am sure you will provide a wonderful home for another misfortunate fish.
So sorry. You did everything possible for the little guy.

Bless Him. :rip:

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