Betta With Columnaris

I think the med should still be OK.
Has the med been stored in a cool place?

Soak her food in garlic juice to stimulate appetite.

I think you did the right thing passing on the sick fish. Poor things.

It's been stored in the cabinet supporting the 20gal, so yeah, it's pretty cool in there.
I will make my own garlic juice, there's a method on the internet somewhere.
His pellet food is New Life Spectrum +Thera-A, which has a whopping serving of garlic in it. But I'll try soaking it in garlic anyway :good:
You done all you can now.
It's all down to the fish.
Good Luck.
I've got a garlic concoction that needs to soak for 12 or more hours....I'll let it soak overnight, and feed him some soaked pellets and bloodworms.
I read that paprika works well too, should I add some?
I'm soaking some bloodworms in garlic juice, and I performed a water change as soon as I got up. Same routine, dechlor with StressCoat, add teaspoon of salt, add 1ml of maracyn plus, and a drop of blackwater extract.

The heaters a little iffy. The packaging said it was calibrated to 70 degrees, but I guess since its a tiny tank, the temperature was 80-79 degrees all night :unsure: I turned it down a lot, and am waiting for it hit 74 degrees.

Alphas a trooper, good for him!

This is a great example of what responsible fishkeeping is, dont you agree?
How is the fish doing? Is he getting more lively or is still at the bottom of the tank. I really hope he pulls through and grows back his fins and all.

Alphas a trooper, good for him!

This is a great example of what responsible fishkeeping is, dont you agree?

I guess, but I'm not celebrating until he's fully cured.

He sure is, he's had the infection since August when we rescued him! I knew he had something wrong, but I thought clean water and good food would turn it around, but I guess his immune system finally gave up. :crazy:

How is the fish doing? Is he getting more lively or is still at the bottom of the tank. I really hope he pulls through and grows back his fins and all.

He still mostly mopes around on the bottom, but when I change the water he scoots around in little bursts and sometimes he'll take to charging around until finally settling on the bottom again :unsure:
But, the good thing is, he's not breathing fast or hard at all, he's very relaxed :good:

Be right back, gonna try to feed him some wormies.
He didn't touch them :shout:

I took tweezers and literally held the worms in his face jiggling them around, he didn't seem to notice. :-(
I dropped a pile of them on his face near his mouth, and now he's just sitting their, with a pile of garlicky worms on his face :no:

:shout: :shout: :shout: :shout:
There is nothing more you can do really. Keep up with the treatment, water changes and hopefully he'll start eating in a few days when the meds take effect. If you are doing 100% water changes it maybe be stressing him additionally but in a 2.5 gallon tank with no filter I guess this is the way to go. I haven't used the meds you are using, but does it say to change the water every day? as some meds say no water change for a number of days in order for the medication to build up in the water.
Also, if you get a hold of the almond dry leaves, once he recovers he may benefit from them. Some people say they have antibacterial effect on bettas, keeping them healthy and they love the tannins from them. I've never used them, but ordered some cheap ones from ebay to try with my betta.
There is nothing more you can do really. Keep up with the treatment, water changes and hopefully he'll start eating in a few days when the meds take effect. If you are doing 100% water changes it maybe be stressing him additionally but in a 2.5 gallon tank with no filter I guess this is the way to go. I haven't used the meds you are using, but does it say to change the water every day? as some meds say no water change for a number of days in order for the medication to build up in the water.
Also, if you get a hold of the almond dry leaves, once he recovers he may benefit from them. Some people say they have antibacterial effect on bettas, keeping them healthy and they love the tannins from them. I've never used them, but ordered some cheap ones from ebay to try with my betta.

I don't do 100% changes, I do like 85-90%. It does say to add medicine on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th day, but I need to change the water to get rid of ammonia. I have almond leaves in his 5 gallon Chi, should I drop one in in the 2.5gal?

And if I don't do water changes every day, I would need to add a whole lot of Prime, wouldn't I?
I did a water change to remove the uneaten worms.

I will not do another water change, unless ammonia levels become critical. I will be adding a whopping 10ml of Prime every day to neutralize most of the ammonia.

I added some almond leaf clippings to soothe him.

I hope he makes it :-(
Don't give up on the garlic.
Has the betta started to move around more.
Don't give up on the garlic.
Has the betta started to move around more.

I still have a big jar full of garlic juice, but he still won't eat. The fish in the 20gallon thought garlic worms were the best though.

No, he still mostly lies on the floor or on the betta hammock. :sad:
It does take a while sometimes for you to see some improvement.
I wish the fish would feed, as that can be a good sign.
Keep fingers crossed for you.

Glad to hear you other fish are having garlic served up for there meals. :lol:
The last time he ate was friday when I put him in the QT tank. He had three pellets and one bloodworm, but now he won't eat at all -_-

I feel like he will starve before he gets better :-( :no:

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