Betta With Columnaris

When your poorly you don't feel like eating. Sometimes the med can knock you and make
you not want to eat.
Keep trying garlic to stimulate appetite.
Finally got the water temp at 74! (75, if you look at it from a weird angle :huh: ) I don't know if its the temp, the almond leaves, or the medicine finally kicking in, but Alpha's a tiny bit more active. He's swimming in short little burts occasionaly, as opposed to only if he's disturbed. It seems miniscule, but I will take what I can get :good:
He still won't eat though, and I'm very nervous about not changing the water daily. I'm almost out of Prime, and because its cheaper, I think I will try API Ammo Lock, Tetra AmmoniaSafe, or something similar. Any tips?
Thanks for the update.

It's still touch and go.

Good Luck.
Would've updated earlier, but I went on a run.
Tomorrow is the last day of medication, according to the bottle. But he's still not any better. He's a tad more active though, still won't eat. I will try garlic soaked pellets again tonight.
I've been adding Tetra AmmoniaSafe every day, and a little pinch of aquarium salt. Temp stable at 74 degrees. Water very stained with tannins due to Almond leaves in there, that should help him.

After tomorrow, I will do a 90% water change, add salt and StressCoat+, and I will start the medicine cycle over again. Hopefully he will start to improve.
I agree. Do a 2nd course of treatment.

Thanks for the update.
Ugh, he just won't eat! Tried brine shrimp flakes soaked in garlic last night, wouldn't touch them. Let some soak over night, he wouldn't eat them this morning. I thought maybe he was picking up pieces here and there when I wasn't looking, but I doubt it, since Alpha never ate anything once it touched the bottom...

Have you tryed his food without the garlic.
Have you tryed his food without the garlic.

I've tried:
Frozen Bloodworms
Garlic Bloodworms
Brineshrimp Flakes
Garlic Brineshrimp Flakes
Garlic Pellets
Hikari Micro Pellets
Mysis Shrimp

He ignored them all
There nothing more you can do.
Just hope for the best.
Hope he pulls through. It's better if he eats, but he should survive without food for a while. Hopefully by the time the second dose medication finishes he will :/
When I bought my betta, he didn't eat for a good few days, maybe a week, then I added an algae wafer for the ottos and pleco I quarantined with him and he went crazy over it. He's been pigging on anything since, think he'll eat my hand next time :lol:
He ate! He ate! Het ate! HE ATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clap: :kana: :- :cake: :band: :fish:
He still looks terrible though :unsure:

If he ate, then something is going right. He needs time to recover even after the sickness is gone. You've done everything possible which is amazing so whatever happens is beyond your control now.
That's good news.
Still got along way to go. But at least it gives you abit of hope.

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