Betta With Columnaris

So, just aquarium salt, and hope for the best? Anything else I can add?

You could soak the fish food in garlic juice. Boosts the immune system.

I would dry them in the shade.
So, just aquarium salt, and hope for the best? Anything else I can add?

You could soak the fish food in garlic juice. Boosts the immune system.

I would dry them in the shade.

Good, the bench is in the shade.

I feed him New Life Spectrum +Thera-A. Is that good enough? That is, if he will even eat :/
And, again, the preset heater is set at 76, with no way to turn it down.....will the medicine still be able to cure him? :no:
I would rather the temp be 74.
As if the temp to high the antibiotics have a job keeping up with the multiplying bacteria.
Or is Prime and daily water changes enough

Prime and Ammolock do the same thing to the ammonia with that difference that price is also a dechlorinator. If the meds don't allow water changes for several days, dose with either to make the ammonia buildup safe for the fish. Make sure you are on top of this as he doesn't want ammonia poisoning along with medication
Just came across this article about columnaris in bettas. It's worth a read in your case.
I would rather the temp be 74.
As if the temp to high the antibiotics have a job keeping up with the multiplying bacteria.
I would turn it down, but there is simply no way, unless i buy a new heater. And I simply don't have the coin.

Just came across this article about columnaris in bettas. It's worth a read in your case.

This was very helpful, thank you.
Oh no! I hope he makes it! Bettas are weird. Mine was " dead" and when i was about to bury him, he started flapping in the net! :lol:

Wishing all the best for Alpha. :good:
First day of treatment, he's still alive.
He's got a 2.5 gallon, filled halfway, with fake plant, betta hammock, battery operated air pump, a stupid preset heater at 78 degrees (will go to LFS to search for adjustable nano heater) and I add a teaspoon of Aquarium Salt and 1ml of Maracyn Plus with every water change, one in the morning, and one in the evening. I tried feeding him, but he didn't even seem to notice the pellets even when they landed on him :no: Tried freeze dried brine shrimp, with no avail. Tomorrow, I will try frozen bloodworms.
Hi I have my fingers crossed for the little guy , he is in good hands
The temperature is a bit too high for bacterial infection and the meds may not work fast enough to stop columnaris at this temperature. It would be good idea to get it a bit lower for the time being if you can manage it.

Hope the betta is feeling better.
The temperature is a bit too high for bacterial infection and the meds may not work fast enough to stop columnaris at this temperature. It would be good idea to get it a bit lower for the time being if you can manage it.

Hope the betta is feeling better.

I'm about to go to the LFS and see if they have any adjustable nano heaters...If not, then PetCo across the street. I saw online they have a pretty good looking Hydor THEO Adjustable Heater for aquariums 2-7 gallons. If I can find it, it'll be perfect :good:
Bless Him.
Were all keeping fingers crossed for him Crossfire.
Keep up the good work.
Back from the LFS, found a decent adjustable 25watt heater, by Hagen/Marina. It's the LFS 46th anniversary, so I got 46% off the heater. :good:
Had a panic attack in the car, kept thinking "what if I get home and he's dead?"
But, he's still kicking. Did another big water change, another teaspoon of salt, mililiter of Maracyn Plus. Added the heater, some slightly cooler water, and some blackwater extract.
I wanted to pick up some more Harlequin Rasboras, but the ones they had looker horrible. Faded colors, swollen abdomens :crazy: I think I'll pass

Also, quick paranoid question, the bottle of Maracyn Plus says it expires in August, it still good?
He still won't eat. Will try frozen bloodworms tomorrow, he can't resist those.
I think the med should still be OK.
Has the med been stored in a cool place?

Soak her food in garlic juice to stimulate appetite.

I think you did the right thing passing on the sick fish. Poor things.

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