Back from the LFS, found a decent adjustable 25watt heater, by Hagen/Marina. It's the LFS 46th anniversary, so I got 46% off the heater.
Had a panic attack in the car, kept thinking "what if I get home and he's dead?"
But, he's still kicking. Did another big water change, another teaspoon of salt, mililiter of Maracyn Plus. Added the heater, some slightly cooler water, and some blackwater extract.
I wanted to pick up some more Harlequin Rasboras, but the ones they had looker horrible. Faded colors, swollen abdomens

I think I'll pass
Also, quick paranoid question, the bottle of Maracyn Plus says it expires in August, it still good?
He still won't eat. Will try frozen bloodworms tomorrow, he can't resist those.