Betta looking so much better :)

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I was thinking about you and Hank a lot overnight (I'm in the UK, so it's just past 4pm here), and I got thinking. Probably straw-clutcing here but I came up with a few ideas that may or may not help. Some may be more practical than others;

1) Maybe try the garlic-soaked food suggested earlier.
2) Try live food (that's one of the things I think may be clutching at straws seeing as he's not going for frozen bloodworms right near his mouth),
3). This is absolutely no reflection on you, but he's gone from a tiny display tank in the LFS, to a 1.5gal bowl, to a 10gal tank. I wonder if the upgrade was too much too soon and he doesn't have the strength to patrol it?. Is there a way to partition the tank, effectively halving it without affecting the filtration? (The last thing Hank needs is dead spots in the aquarium). I don't know how such partitions work.
4) If you haven't already done so, maybe consider turning the outflow of the filter towards the glass panel, so that the flow rate is gentler. Also, as he's not going to the surface for air, maybe reposition the filter closer to the surface or consider adding an air stone to increase aeration.

Some of these may have/have been suggested before, but it's all I can think of. With him being so weak, we need to try and get him eating.

I will definitely keep trying with the food. I don't think his problem currently is the hunger (he was interested in the bloodworms while he had the energy each time) but that he's not really able to grab them. I'll keep monitoring him closely for red and white spots, but I think he may be disoriented.

As for the tank size, it's very possible. I can't figure out where the intake for the filter is yet because it seems to have a slight pull from all angles. I will definitely do some research on the size thing though, but I'm not sure I'll be able to get a good partition
I will definitely keep trying with the food. I don't think his problem currently is the hunger (he was interested in the bloodworms while he had the energy each time) but that he's not really able to grab them. I'll keep monitoring him closely for red and white spots, but I think he may be disoriented.

As for the tank size, it's very possible. I can't figure out where the intake for the filter is yet because it seems to have a slight pull from all angles. I will definitely do some research on the size thing though, but I'm not sure I'll be able to get a good partition

Not in the input - although if you could put something like a fine mesh, or stocking/tights over it, it'll stop it from pulling in the fish. The outflow - where the water is returned to the tank.
Oh I see, yeah I can definitely see what I can do. The filter is held to the tank by suction cup so I'm not sure if I could turn it towards the glass, but I could definitely keep it closer to the surface of the water. I have it a little higher because I believe that helps to aerate the tank more? It can definitely be moved.

Also as an update: I just got done with his water change and salt treatment. During the first bucket of water going into the tank he somehow managed to flip himself to facing the other way, and was lying on his side gasping again. I poured the water a little slower after that just in case it was me who flipped him, and then did 1 1/2 tbsp salt for his 10g like normal. The lights are off for him currently so he can rest and get his breathing better. Though he still looked weak and dull, his breathing was borderline normal this morning which really gets my hopes up. I'll wait for him to stop gasping and maybe right himself again before I try feeding, to reduce his stress.

I do think that this whole process would be much easier if I had cycled the tank and purchased the necessary supplies (including that darn test kit) before bringing him home. I definitely won't be getting another pet without thoroughly doing my part in research. I feel like this is more on the "worse" side of worst case scenario, seeing as how he's been struggling for so many days. To all the newbies who have read through this whole fiasco, don't do what it did! It's very sad to see your pets suffer :(
Oh I see, yeah I can definitely see what I can do. The filter is held to the tank by suction cup so I'm not sure if I could turn it towards the glass, but I could definitely keep it closer to the surface of the water. I have it a little higher because I believe that helps to aerate the tank more? It can definitely be moved.

Also as an update: I just got done with his water change and salt treatment. During the first bucket of water going into the tank he somehow managed to flip himself to facing the other way, and was lying on his side gasping again. I poured the water a little slower after that just in case it was me who flipped him, and then did 1 1/2 tbsp salt for his 10g like normal. The lights are off for him currently so he can rest and get his breathing better. Though he still looked weak and dull, his breathing was borderline normal this morning which really gets my hopes up. I'll wait for him to stop gasping and maybe right himself again before I try feeding, to reduce his stress.

I do think that this whole process would be much easier if I had cycled the tank and purchased the necessary supplies (including that darn test kit) before bringing him home. I definitely won't be getting another pet without thoroughly doing my part in research. I feel like this is more on the "worse" side of worst case scenario, seeing as how he's been struggling for so many days. To all the newbies who have read through this whole fiasco, don't do what it did! It's very sad to see your pets suffer :(

Not "like" as much as "agree".

Yes, the closer the filter is to the surface, the more it aerates the water via gaseous exchange.

Don't beat yourself up about bringing him home without doing your research. You're not the first and won't be the last. All any of us can do is the best to our knowledge and ability. When you know better - that's when the test really comes.

And you aced that test. No one could have done more for Hank than you have under the same circumstances. You've pulled out all the stops and done everything we advised. That's why the whole forum is routing for you both. Hank's current predicament is absolutely no reflection on you.

Come on, Hank! We're all rooting for you!
And you aced that test. No one could have done more for Hank than you have under the same circumstances. You've pulled out all the stops and done everything we advised. That's why the whole forum is routing for you both. Hank's current predicament is absolutely no reflection on you.

Come on, Hank! We're all rooting for you!
Aaaa thank you so much Linz! I really appreciate that, it genuinely made me tear up a little :D

I do wish there was more I could do for Hank. I wish I could tell him how many wonderful people are helping the two of us get through this together, and how you're all cheering him on and hoping for his recovery. It would be super awesome if he understood just how much both myself and you guys care for him! It definitely makes me feel better :D
(The lights were turned on just long enough for a picture)
Is Hank okay to be lying down like this for so long? When he breathes the rock gets in the way of the pulsing of his gills and he has to move his whole body up for it. Is it advisable to see if I can prop him up, or leave him there to avoid stressing him?

Is there more I should be doing that 75% WC and 1 1/2 tbsp salt every day, or do I just need to be more patient lol


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Salt in a freshwater tank freaks a lot of people out. I use to be afraid of it until I met my bff who does aquatic research. She has taught me so much and her vet gives me free advice. What a deal, huh?
. You can soak the bloodworms in a little garlic juice.
Gosh, no Sweetie, his lying ion his side like that is not good. He should have perked up by now if it was just water parameters. I know your Mom said nothing more but he may have a bacterial issue that requires meds. If you can convince her to get some API FURAN-2 it may help. He seems to be going down though. The Furan-2 is our last ditch effort. I’m so sorry. :(. I believe Petsmart sells the med or you can order from Amazon. We’re still here with you. You are a fantastic betta Mom!
Gosh, no Sweetie, his lying ion his side like that is not good. He should have perked up by now if it was just water parameters. I know your Mom said nothing more but he may have a bacterial issue that requires meds. If you can convince her to get some API FURAN-2 it may help. He seems to be going down though. The Furan-2 is our last ditch effort. I’m so sorry. :(. I believe Petsmart sells the med or you can order from Amazon. We’re still here with you. You are a fantastic betta Mom!

Agree. @Quin , I think you may have to prepare yourself for he worst. :(
He may not make it, but you have been really great with caring for him! It may be sad but dont beat your self up too bad
I will definitely have a long, in depth conversation with her about getting some API Furan 2. If it is bacteria, is there a way to find out where it came from?

As a side note since we think it may not be the water: this morning when I went to check on him his tank suddenly smelled strongly of fish--like what you smell when you go fishing in a lake. This is the 8th day I've had him and the tank has never smelled like that, and it definitely wasn't the seachem prime since that has a different smell and was also put in after. Additionally, his scales have gradually been getting duller, though I believe that may be a general symptom.

Edit: I looked up the furan 2. Every price I saw listed it as either 6-8 bucks or up into the triple digits. What's the cause for that?
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I will definitely have a long, in depth conversation with her about getting some API Furan 2. If it is bacteria, is there a way to find out where it came from?

As a side note since we think it may not be the water: this morning when I went to check on him his tank suddenly smelled strongly of fish--like what you smell when you go fishing in a lake. This is the 8th day I've had him and the tank has never smelled like that, and it definitely wasn't the seachem prime since that has a different smell and was also put in after. Additionally, his scales have gradually been getting duller, though I believe that may be a general symptom.

Edit: I looked up the furan 2. Every price I saw listed it as either 6-8 bucks or up into the triple digits. What's the cause for that?
It usually runs me about $9. Some people just charge more like grocery stores. I can get milk cheaper at Walmart than Kroger.
Good to know about the prices. I also was thinking a few minutes ago it might smell because I left the thawed bloodworms there for about an hour or two, intending to try again, before deciding that if I wasn't sure they could sit out that long I wasn't gonna feed them to my betta. I sprayed some smell good in my room but it was only really immediately by the tank. Also I don't have a gravel vac, or I would definitely be doing that.
Good to know about the prices. I also was thinking a few minutes ago it might smell because I left the thawed bloodworms there for about an hour or two, intending to try again, before deciding that if I wasn't sure they could sit out that long I wasn't gonna feed them to my betta. I sprayed some smell good in my room but it was only really immediately by the tank. Also I don't have a gravel vac, or I would definitely be doing that.
Did the air freshener get in the tank water? It can be toxic to the fish. Do a water change in case

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