Betta looking so much better :)

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I just got done talking to my mom, and I don't know if I'm gonna be allowed to get anything else for Hank.

She was freaking out because I don't really think she understands that "food and stress coat," especially in a 1 gallon tank, are not all a betta need to survive. She said that with that they lived about 5-6 months. I told her bettas can live much longer than that.

She also came to my room to check out Hank to see why I was so worried about him. She believes that bettas lying on the bottom and gasping is normal. I asked her about the API test kit since she has the Amazon account and the debit card but she flat out refused because "I'm too invested in this, maybe we'll just get you a plant next time because they're harder to kill."

I'm really disappointed. I am obviously going to continue to do everything I can to keep Hank alive, but I thought that my mom would be more understanding for all of this. Ever since my brother died I've been really bummed, but while Hank was healthy and exploring that was probably the happiest and most fascinated I've been in a while. I really don't want him to die, he's supposed to be my little buddy.
I'm so sorry, I understand how you feel. After my friend died I felt the same way, not long after that I found some abandoned kittens and helped them. That would have been the first time I was happy after that.

You mom is probably stressed like you, talk to her, maybe show her this thread or the TFF betta care sheet.

I still have not been able to convince my grandmother that a goldfish cannot live in a jar, so if they have the idea in their head of the care if may be hard to change her mind
I'm so sorry, I understand how you feel. After my friend died I felt the same way, not long after that I found some abandoned kittens and helped them. That would have been the first time I was happy after that.

You mom is probably stressed like you, talk to her, maybe show her this thread or the TFF betta care sheet.

I still have not been able to convince my grandmother that a goldfish cannot live in a jar, so if they have the idea in their head of the care if may be hard to change her mind
Adults can definitely be stubborn lol. I think maybe tonight was just an off night for her, but she found something important today and we had just gotten done laughing with each other before the conversation. She was even okay with storing the bloodworms in the freezer, as long as she didn't have to see, hear, or think about them. This will probably not be the last convo we have about it, since sometimes she's really stubborn and sometimes she's really supportive
I am absolutely a chronic worrier lol I'm very sorry I don't mean to. I know you said you have 7 bettas and you're also a moderator, so my worry lies more in my ability to read and comprehend your instructions properly than whether or not to follow them. I'm really scared that I'm gonna make another mistake and it will cost Hanks life :unsure:

The person was talking about how many pets they owned and I brought up my fish. I don't really know how responsible of a pet owner they are since I don't even know enough to know if they're a dude/chick or their age or anything. I just know the salt thing was mentioned, and I was worried because my mom almost threw a fit that I was adding the aquarium salt.

And if you say a lot of people use a lot more salt that makes me feel better. I was worried that I was using too much because I had that hard time dissolving it completely. Thinking on it now there's a difference between the volume of a cup and the volume of a tank
I just got done talking to my mom, and I don't know if I'm gonna be allowed to get anything else for Hank.

She was freaking out because I don't really think she understands that "food and stress coat," especially in a 1 gallon tank, are not all a betta need to survive. She said that with that they lived about 5-6 months. I told her bettas can live much longer than that.

She also came to my room to check out Hank to see why I was so worried about him. She believes that bettas lying on the bottom and gasping is normal. I asked her about the API test kit since she has the Amazon account and the debit card but she flat out refused because "I'm too invested in this, maybe we'll just get you a plant next time because they're harder to kill."

I'm really disappointed. I am obviously going to continue to do everything I can to keep Hank alive, but I thought that my mom would be more understanding for all of this. Ever since my brother died I've been really bummed, but while Hank was healthy and exploring that was probably the happiest and most fascinated I've been in a while. I really don't want him to die, he's supposed to be my little buddy.

So sorry to hear about your brother.

Sometimes the only way an adult (especially a parent) will listen, is when they see it with their own eyes, or experience it for themselves. Let's get Hank through this, and let him show your mom just how vibrant and long-lived a Betta can be. ;)
The person was talking about how many pets they owned and I brought up my fish. I don't really know how responsible of a pet owner they are since I don't even know enough to know if they're a dude/chick or their age or anything. I just know the salt thing was mentioned, and I was worried because my mom almost threw a fit that I was adding the aquarium salt.
Don’t be scared! Hank is going to be all right.

You can tell your mom that bettas can live for a long time, much longer than 6 months. Take my old betta Blaze for example. He lived for almost 2 years until he died of a bacteria infection.

Tell your mom we know what is right and we won’t lead you down the wrong path.

How is he doing this morning?

(P.S. I’m really sorry to hear about your brother... My betta is my best friend as well. I feel like I can talk to him and he gets me. That’s one of the reasons why I like fish keeping so much. :))
Thank you so much for your support you guys! It definitely means a lot that I still have friends rooting for my little guy :D

Hank hasn't moved from his spot from last night except to lean a little, but he's definitely still kicking! After class I will be doing his water change and treatment and see how he feel after that

Also, I read the TSS+ has specific parameters of what temperature the bacteria can survive in. Should i be worried about keeping it healthy until I can apply it to my tank, and what are proper storing methods for bacteria?
I changed his water and added the salt, and as his saltwater was being added he started to sit up a little straighter! I'm gonna leave the lights off and shut the door so he can rest, but I'm really really hopeful that that's a good sign :D
I changed his water and added the salt, and as his saltwater was being added he started to sit up a little straighter! I'm gonna leave the lights off and shut the door so he can rest, but I'm really really hopeful that that's a good sign :D

The fact that he perks up during water changes is a good sign. Has he eaten anything yet? Any luck with sourcing some seeded bacteria?

Thank you so much for your support you guys! It definitely means a lot that I still have friends rooting for my little guy :D

We'll always root for Hank, and for you. This is what we're here for. :)
I will definitely try to give him a little something soon! I got the bloodworms in the little pockets attached to each other. Do you guys shave off bits and then thaw, or do you thaw the whole pocket and put the rest back?

Edit: I sliced a little bit off and thawed it in hot water. I tried to feed him again but I think he's really disoriented. I couldn't tell if he was trying to eat it or push it away with his face, but he made this half hearted lunges in between breaths. Even when I tickled his mouth with it he couldn't get to it. I will try again later
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That’s a great sign he is starting to sit up straight!

Leaving the light off is a good idea. This way, he will be able to rest his eyes and “sleep” for a while.

Go Hank! :good: :fish:
Hi there! Today after class I'm gonna go through the usual water change, salt addition, and then feeding attempt. I haven't seen him completely on his side for a little bit so fingers crossed! He also hasn't moved from his spot too, even though he isn't gasping that much anymore. I'm worried he's damaged somehow because of his confusion and his inability to swim upright or successfully grab the bloodworms right by his mouth though. Hopefully it clears up soon and he can be a happy normal fish!
Hi there! Today after class I'm gonna go through the usual water change, salt addition, and then feeding attempt. I haven't seen him completely on his side for a little bit so fingers crossed! He also hasn't moved from his spot too, even though he isn't gasping that much anymore. I'm worried he's damaged somehow because of his confusion and his inability to swim upright or successfully grab the bloodworms right by his mouth though. Hopefully it clears up soon and he can be a happy normal fish!

I was thinking about you and Hank a lot overnight (I'm in the UK, so it's just past 4pm here), and I got thinking. Probably straw-clutcing here but I came up with a few ideas that may or may not help. Some may be more practical than others;

1) Maybe try the garlic-soaked food suggested earlier.
2) Try live food (that's one of the things I think may be clutching at straws seeing as he's not going for frozen bloodworms right near his mouth),
3). This is absolutely no reflection on you, but he's gone from a tiny display tank in the LFS, to a 1.5gal bowl, to a 10gal tank. I wonder if the upgrade was too much too soon and he doesn't have the strength to patrol it?. Is there a way to partition the tank, effectively halving it without affecting the filtration? (The last thing Hank needs is dead spots in the aquarium). I don't know how such partitions work.
4) If you haven't already done so, maybe consider turning the outflow of the filter towards the glass panel, so that the flow rate is gentler. Also, as he's not going to the surface for air, maybe reposition the filter closer to the surface or consider adding an air stone to increase aeration.

Some of these may have/have been suggested before, but it's all I can think of. With him being so weak, we need to try and get him eating.

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