Yep will definitely do a journal when I upgrade
No real changes to the tank but got a bit bored so took a bunch of photos

The auto top up unit is brilliant. Might just be my imagination but the corals all seem to be a lot healthier and better expanded, the Zoa and xenia growth has really gone nuts over the last week or two as well. Frags are doing good as well, I have 5 mushroom frags in my frag tank and the mushroom in the display has split a couple of bits of itself off which are developing as well!
Anyway heres the photos
Yellow Tail Blue Damsel These guys are doing well, they where in a sorry state when I got them but their fins are starting to grow back and they are eating well. Still not figured out how to get a good photo of them yet though. There is something about their colour or the way they reflect light which makes it difficult to get a sharp photo.
Clown Fish
Bubble Coral in "daylight" feeding mode
Mushroom frags You can only see 4 here but there is a little one on the edge of the glass.
Frag tank (and bloody cyno!!)
Hitch hiker clam/bi-valve Had this guy come in on one of the first bits of LR I got over a year ago. He come from nowhere and has grown quite a bit (especially over the last 2 months).
Skunk cleaner shrimp As you can see the cyno is pretty bad. However there is no other algae in the tank and I would prefer cyno to hair algae
Left side of the tank
Zoas These are starting to grow really quickly!!! Lots of new heads on all three types.
Trumpets going into feeding mode
Thats all image shack would let me upload (really need to find a more reliable photo host

). Hope you enjoy