Barney's New Marine Journal - 150l Upgrade.

Well we have the new tank now. I will take some decent photos of the tank as it is now before I move it but in the short term I took a quick video on my phone while I was feeding them last night. The snails on the glass in the fuge are baby ones :)

What are your plans for the move barney?

Seffie x


Lots of swearing, stress and when its finished a few beers :)

Honestly I have no idea. I'm filling the new tank now and going to have to go to the LFS to buy about 12 containers of RO water at the weekend to finish it off. Once that is up and running I will bag up the fish, put the corals in a poly box with water and the LR in another empty poly box. Then when I get to the new place acclimitise everything and put it back in.

Its going to be a nightmare getting them fish out the tank though! If anyone has any suggestions on a good way to do it please share :)
don't laugh but the beer mugs came in very handy when I shut down my brackish tank :good: it was the only way I could catch the little.................. :crazy:

Must admit that after catching them I did have to have just a little tipple :beer: mind you, not out of the beer mug I caught them in :p

Seffie x


ps to move the rock you could get empty salt containers, you can then keep the rock in water :kana:

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