Baby Rotkeil Serverum Diary. Hatched 4/3/10

Was your fry tank well cycled? I think this is where I went wrong with my Kribs, the tank was super clean no substrate or anything, now this tank I raised the Elliot from a couple of weeks old, (the parents were moved away from the plecs, but the dad started eating them) and I have just had a pair of convicts spawn in the tank, removed the parents (had to split them up the male tried to kill the female :crazy: ). Although I keep the water clean with water changes daily and a well over sized filter, the tank itself is (what I would call) dirty with algae growth on the glass, I dont know if this makes any difference but I have sucessfully raise 2 sets of fry this way (so far). Its all a huge learning curve for me.

dont mean to sound just like wha you have said but the tanks was the tank the eggs were laid in and it had been up and going for about 2 mnths nw and there is also algea on the glass it produces alot of it haha i personally thnk it was the air stone thing i had it going but not near the eggs and was turning it off at night :) could that be the culpret? thanks for the advice i appreciate it :good: i will just do what you have done then :) i wanted to ask awell weather you think a red devil will be able to berrd with a flowergorn? o think so because i read up about the flower horns and come accress somthing saying that there is red devil bread into it already but it dny know? thanks
Sounds like it was not enough fanning with the airstone and definately not a good idea to switch them off at night. As for a red devil and a flowerhorn I have absolutely no idea, you could ask in the Hybrid section, they would be able to help you more than me on that one. glad you found my waffling usefull :lol: , its all just from personal experience, you read so much stuff on the net that makes no sence at all sometimes, but occasionally there is some good stuff too.

Babies are all wiggling away, can see a fair few on the tank floor now, still lots on the rock ornament, I have had to give up removing anymore white eggs, its just impossible through the wriggling mass, to worried I will damage a baby with the tweezers, there is only 5 white eggs and most of the fry are no where near them now.
I'm enjoying the updates, keep them coming. This is really making me want to setup for breeding fish...
That is an unbelievable number of eggs, you have a fair few fry to tend to. I'd love to see some pics when all the fry start free swimming!

Ow Dang. If their anything like your ellioti, they will be great, I've got me rams now, so no more room at the in.
I will endeavour to try and get pics, I have to borrow a camera and its not great, so I will do my best.

Littlemonkey, time for another tank I think :lol:
i cant stop thinking about yor rotkiel sevs hahaha :hyper: how are the doing today? i have some bad news tho :( i bought that rotkiel from an aquarium in liverpool (where i live) and all the fish in the tank tha i put it in bullied it and so i out it in quarintien and woke up today to fing the poor litle guy had died :no: so i am gunna try and get a new one to day :) ive put the bullies in my 5ftx2ftx2ft tank so lets see who they are the bullies nw haha :shout: thr in with a 11in flowerhorn, red devil, jaguar,tilupias an a 4in flowerhorn :hyper:
Got lots still attached to the rock, unfortunately there is a few fuzzy white eggs too, I was hoping they would have left the rock by now so I can remove it clean off the fluff and put it back. There are some stuck in the fuzz which I have carefully removed with a cocktail stick and they swam off to the bottom with those that have already left the rock, there are a lots more wrigglers than I expected :crazy:
I will endeavour to try and get pics, I have to borrow a camera and its not great, so I will do my best.

Littlemonkey, time for another tank I think :lol:

Still doing the lottery, so you never know, :lol: I wish now I hadn't parted with the 120 litre. :sad:
Why did I pick today to give up smoking :hyper:
Had a bit of a panic today, the electric went off for about an hour!! kids with no spongebob and all my tanks without filters and heaters running I ended up having a fag lol. Babies seem to be doing great, not a lot to report now they have mostly left the rock, about 10% are still attatched but the others seem to be having a good explore, one barmy one keeps having a right good swim round in the current of the filter!!
The barmy one must be mine then, in training for being completely bonkers to fit in with my lot.:)
Not sure star4 has any of them now, but these were them when they are 4" (ish), just before I gave them to her - big mistake :lol:




Got one when I borrowed my friends camera its not great though, This is Timmy the dad. Yeah got a great deal, swapped a plec and £5 I think it was for 2 male servs :lol: Dont worry Minxy hun the nuts one is definately earmarked for you lol

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